Raise your voice on World Environment Day

“When multiplied by a global chorus, our individual voices and actions become exponential in their impact.”United Nations, World Environment Day Committee

World Environment Day 2014 United Nations

Today is all about working together for the good of the planet. It is World Environment Day (WED)!

Every year on June 5, the United Nations celebrates the biggest day of the year for positive environmental action. This year’s host nation for World Environment Day is the small Caribbean island of Barbados, which is rising as a world leader in solar energy. The host nation fits perfectly with the United Nations naming 2014 the International Year of Small Island Developing States.

This year’s slogan, “Raise your voice not the sea level,” addresses the issue of rising sea levels around the world and global warming, and calls to people to work together to do something about it. According to the UN, the global sea level has risen by about 10 to 25 cm (up to about 10 inches) over the past 100 years, and is continuing to surge upward due to climate change.

World Environment Day is the United Nations’ global campaign to encourage worldwide awareness and action for the environment. Celebrated by over 100 countries, it is an opportunity for every person to realize they are responsible to care for the Earth and can effect change. We can combine “individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet,” states the UN.

How will you make your voice heard this year for the environment?

It doesn’t have to be just on June 5. Every day is a good day to start clean-up campaigns, initiatives to reduce food waste, walk-to-work days, recycling drives, using re-usable containers instead of plastic, tree-planting drives, social media campaigns, and different contests. Every action counts.

See what the rest of the world is doing for WED 2014.

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Article by Shannon Farley

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