The Thrill of a Jeep Safari amidst Asiatic Lions at Sasan Gir in India's Guajarat Stat

A jeep safari at Sasan Gir is offered and specially crafted of giving the tourists a thrilling and unbelievable experience to roam across the habitat of the grand Asiatic Lions. You can avail of a Sasan Gir safari at a remarkably affordable price and turn your ordinary holiday trip into a remarkable and exhilarating voyage. These safaris are specially crafted to offer you a fantastic time amid the Royal animals. Besides, you can also avail of the best chances of watching the unmatched wildlife of Gir. Apart from lions, you can also see hyenas, foxes, gazelles, and Asiatic wild ass.

However, to participate in a Gir safari, you need to have a proper permit, and you need to abide by a few rules. Read on to know more.

How exciting is the safari?

As a visitor, you will no doubt love to experience the fun of a Sasan Gir safari. Riding through the forest and the wildlife in a jeep is a real adventure for any wildlife enthusiast. Once you carry a proper permit from the SinhSadan Forest Lodge, you can enjoy the thrill of a safari.

When you are on an exciting Gir national park safari, you can see different rare wildlife species besides the most significant attraction – the Asiatic Lions. The Sasan Gir is the only place where you can see these wild species surviving in their natural habitat. Spotting the King of the Jungle do its regular jobs will undoubtedly offer you a dynamic feel.

The only option available for safari here is an open-roofed jeep with tour guides from the Forest Department. Availing a safari will be once a lifetime opportunity for you as you will witness an ample number of unseen flora and fauna of the Gir National Park. The best part about the Gir national park safari is that there is no restriction in using cameras inside the park. That means you can capture candid of the Asiatic Lion performing their daily activities in their natural habitat.

Details of jeep safari booking

Every Sasan Gir safari booking is made online, and for the same, you need to

  • Mention the name of every person availing the safari to visit the park
  • Choose your suitable safari date and time
  • Provide a valid ID proof like driving license, Aadhaar card, voter card, or passport
  • Make sure to carry your ID proof during the safari also

Gir Safari Booking Website :

Charges for the Gir safari

For Indians, the jeep safari costs INR 4500/jeep. Remember that one jeep will accommodate six adults and one child. The same jeep safari will cost INR 13,800 for foreigners.

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