Squid fishing season in Tra Co, Quang Ninh

Being about 4 kilometers from Tra Co beach (Mong Cai city, Quang Ninh province), the floating city glows in the evening. Coming here, tourists can see fishermen  catch squid.

Squid fishing season in Tra Co takes place from March to June in lunar calendar. It is time for squid to move inshore to breed. In these three months, fishermen here only need to go a few nautical miles to the sea and turn on high-tension bulbs, they can catch dozens of squid each night. The price for a kilogram of squid is about 150,000-300,000 dong.

Squid in Quang Ninh is considered as the best. There are many types of squid such as cuttlefish, octopus and squid. The squid hook is a circle hook attaching to a fake fish. Squid feed mainly at night and are attracted to light. That is the reason why we have to turn on the high-tension lights.

Catching a squid will be more favorable during high tide on a cloudy or rainy night. These conditions give the nearshore water the depth that squid prefer plus a setting in which the artificial light will be most noticeable.

Squid have a defense mechanism - dark ink. They shoot the ink at intruders who come too close. In the water it is an effective defense that creates a cloud behind which the squid makes a quick getaway.

Experiencing a night offshore to fish squid with local fishermen will be very great and interesting for many tourists. Therefore, why don’t you take a trip to Tra Co beach. Absolutely, you will nerver be disappointed.

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