The Long Road Ahead: Selling Your House for Long-term Travel

You’ll eventually reach a point in your life when you’ll feel restless, and you want to try something new.  It could be something that you’ve been afraid to do before, but maybe you’ll have the courage to try it now.

Maybe you also didn’t have enough resources to do those things before. If you’re financially secure, perhaps it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and do something like travel. No, this isn’t traveling for the weekend. This type of trip means going out there, seeing the world, and not going home for a long time. In itself, traveling is a common thing to do. Almost 67 millions Americans traveled outside the country in 2016.

Sounds scary, right? You don’t have to fear because you won’t go through it without preparation. This type of trip needs money and careful planning, so make sure that you prepare yourself if you’re committed to seeing things through.

If you’re not sure if you have adequate cash to travel for a month or more, you can sell your house because you won’t be coming home for a long time anyway. It’s understandable if you have reservations, so read on to educate yourself on why selling your house is an excellent idea. This article will also help you plan and pursue your traveling plans.

Selling Your House

You can’t go somewhere else, mainly out of the country, if you’re low on cash or you virtually don’t have extra money to spend. So before you decide on anything, assess how much cash you’ve got so you’re sure how much money you can use for this trip.

One of the most effective ways to get cash is to sell your house, and it is a wise decision since you won’t come home for a while. If you leave your house without a caretaker or you’re also not willing to rent it out, you’ll arrive home to a dirty and cobweb-filled house when you get back. To save yourself the stress of cleaning a messy house in the future, sell your home.

If you don’t know the process, ask for help. Check out the real estate market and have your house appraised. Approach real estate agents. However, if you’re in a hurry, the best option is to sell your home to cash home buyers like SoCal Home Buyers because it’s less stressful than dealing with agents.

Making Adequate Preparations for Your Travel Plans

If your long-term travel is a final decision, then you need to prepare all the things that you’ll need when you travel. Don’t do something impulsively, and be a smart traveler. Here are some things that you should take care of before you go.

  • Book your tickets

Check the places where you want to go and book ahead of time because this is the starting point of your trip. Since you now have an exact idea of how much cash you can spend, you can start making specific plans.

  • Cancel post and mail subscriptions

Stop all the mail delivered to your former house. It might confuse the new owners, and you won’t receive your letters because you’re not living in that address anymore. So change your address if you still want to collect stuff through the mail.

If possible, conduct your correspondence through email or any safe platform on the internet. In that way, you can receive and access your mail anytime but make sure that nobody else can steal your information, particularly those containing sensitive content.

  • Close your accounts

Make sure that you close all your accounts if you don’t want to keep paying for your former home’s utility bills. Let them know that you’re moving out and you won’t be using the house anymore, so you’re free from any obligations. Pay any outstanding balance before you leave.


Pack the Essentials

You’ll be traveling for a long time, and it’s highly inconvenient and costly if you keep buying your clothes and other items when you’re going somewhere. If you don’t need a lot of stuff, you can hand carry your bags.

Bring appropriate clothes for the weather. Don’t pack a bikini if you’re traveling during the winter, unless you plan on swimming indoors. Don’t bring your bulky fleece coat when going to tropical countries.

Bring an extra pair of comfortable shoes. You’ll never know if you get a flat tire and you end up walking the extra miles toward your hotel. Prepare yourself for any situation, and don’t be too confident that you can buy everything at stores.

Always bring a bottle of clean water. Some places don’t have potable water, so either you’ll end up dehydrated or sick because you drank contaminated water. Staying hydrated is essential especially if you’re doing physical activities like hiking or mountain climbing.


More and more people every day are doing adventurous things. Be part of them and do something new, like traveling somewhere else for an extended time. Before you go, it’s ideal to sell your house because this will keep you supplied financially. Do the necessary preparations so you’ll have a smooth-sailing trip.

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