Lots of travellers are running out of ideas. They can hardly find new destination since they are persuaded they've seen the whole world. Fortunately thanks to Dreamwork animation, a new destination has raised: "MADAGASCAR". thanks to the movie that island has become familiar to anyone's ear.

If you're wondering "does this island actually exist" then you should read this and book your next holidays in Madagascar.

Nicknamed different way such as the "Red Island" because of the colour of its sol; the "Island-continent" due to its large surface which has given him another nickname as the "8th continent" etc etc... This is to let you know there is still one interesting wide place you haven't seen yet.

Madagascar is actually known for its richness in biodiversity. Indeed its fauna and flora is highly rated. More than 80% of the listed species are endemic and unique to the island; you must have ever heard about the "Avenue of baobabs", "the lemurs", "thousands of Orchids species"...

You're a rather a beach lover, then be aware that the 5500 kms of beaches that surrouds the island can provide you all that you want. Madagascar has indeed the second widest Bay in the world and has one of the most wonderful seascape in the whole world.

If this blog spot has convinced you then go and book your tour in Madagascar for your next holidays!

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