Turkey: Your Next Yacht Charter Destination

Have you ever wondered why sailing is the first thing to think of when imagining the perfect holiday?
Among the many reasons, the number one is clear: sailing gives you everything you could ever wish for in a vacation – all in one package.

Furthermore, choosing a yacht for your sailing vacation, all you can get is all you wished for: the seas, islands, hidden coves, isolated places. Depending on the destination you choose, the list of things to do is close to endless.

Probably the toughest decision you are about to make while preparing for your dream holiday is the choosing of the perfect destination. While many would say: ‘there is no such place as perfect destination’, they probably forgot about Turkey: the dreamland of sailors, special for many things.

Filled with tons of history and renowned cities, and most of all: turquoise waters that you would be eager to enjoy.

Why sailing in Turkey is so special?


The mythology and rich history you learned about throughout the storytelling is not the only thing Turkey is so special about. Have you ever thought about all those famous authors that wrote their masterpieces while taking a cruise over the Turkish Riviera? The two seas and the magical surrounding of this coastline is known about its inspirational beauty that leaves you speechless. The vacation you are about to make becomes even more magical when you spend it on your very own yacht (even for a week)

If you have no clue what to do when during a yacht charter Turkey – you should choose the must-sees, for a beginning.

While there are many organized tours that could ease things up for you, the beauty of the freedom while sailing with your private yacht is priceless. Still, you may come in handy some information such as the most popular tours in Turkey that most often cover Istanbul, Canak Kale, Cappadocia and the well-known Pamuk Kale. While these top spots are well landed in this wonderful country of Turkey, with a good organization you will be able to catch them during your yachting trip. He as many experienced mariners would say – the beauty of the Turquoise land is hidden in the seas and the coastal cities.

If you have loosened up a bit more enjoying the crystal-clear waters, the beautiful landscapes and the fun on the yacht, you would be probably short in time visiting all that needs to be seen in this top sailing destination. To sum up, Bodrum, Marmaris and Fetihye are the three coastal cities you cannot afford to miss during your Turkish sailing trip.

Start your Turquoise vacation on a yacht with Book2Sail


Time is money, and you would want to save some money for the upcoming sailing in Turkey. So why waste your precious time searching for the perfect yacht that you will fill up with memories from the lovely Turkish moments? Book2Sail.com is the ultimate internet place where you will start and finish your search. The yacht of your dreams with the best price that you can afford is only few steps away from becoming your home in Turkey. Visit the website and choose whatever suits your wishes.

Our experienced team is waiting for you and will be happy to help you make a great start of your upcoming holiday in Turkey.

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