Using Astrology to Plan Travel this Holiday Season

Still vibrant and popular today, the five-thousand-year-old art of astrology can identify, say, business and romantic opportunities or challenges. And those celestial bodies slinking about the stars can also help pinpoint optimal times and places for travel. And since destinations have their own astro-charts -- which interact with yours -- astrology can even serve as a kind of spiritual travel agent. It can tell you, for example, about places likely to be harmonious or challenging matches for your temperament, personality, and current astrological indications. Check your travel horoscope for November-December, below, for some places and times to consider. After all, Nancy and Ronald Reagan planned itineraries by the stars -- why not you?

Now, that said, it's also true that no one has proved particularly accurate when it comes to COVID-19 prediction -- not epidemiologists, not politicians, and not astrologers. So take the following with a grain of salt (and several of aspirin), then triple check plans for any changes. Also, keep in mind that for traveling, astrologically speaking several of these upcoming days are particularly good (green light) or bad (red light), or require a bit of caution (yellow light). Check it all out, and  Happy astro-tripping!


Green-Light Days

November 6: Mercury enters Scorpio sextile Venus entering Capricorn. Though secretive Scorpio isn’t comfy in the communications planet and Venus chafes at conservative Cap, the harmonious aspect should ensure smooth sailing (or flying). Talk the desk clerk into an upgrade. Most affected: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer.


November 27-29: Venus in Capricorn sextile Mars in Scorpio; Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces. Maybe it’s too much tryptophan, but with the planets of love, energy and fantasy, uh, getting it on, everyone’s feeling creative and sensual. Redacted, NSFW and F/C (family/children). Most affected: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus.


December 4: Solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Eclipses rile things up, mandating change (usually for the week before and after). We may see major shifts in how we deal with climate change and systemic racism on a global level. Protests could cause delays. Most affected: Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces.


December 11-12: Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Jupiter in Aquarius; Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn; Sun Sagittarius sextile Saturn Aquarius. All those lovely aspects between the planets of self, communication, expansiveness, discipline. You could sweet talk the in-laws into letting you spend the holidays with your parents. Or tell them to go to… each other’s houses while you head for your hills of choice. Most affected: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra, Virgo, Gemini.


Yellow-Light Days

November 14:  Sun and New Moon in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus. With the ego/self planet crossing the orb of change, you feel rebellious and crave something different. Not a bad thing if you remain diplomatic. Float unusual travel ideas at home and work and don’t pout if they capsize. Most affected: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo


November 15-16: Sun in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius and sextile Pluto in Capricorn. You’re brimming with optimism and self-confidence. Great for charming waitstaff and flight attendants…just don’t assume they want your WhatsApp (wink,wink). Most affected: Scorpio, Cancer, Leo, Libra.


November 19: Full Moon/Lunar eclipse in Taurus. This disruptive, challenging yet potentially stimulating influence lasts for several days. Just go with the flow, darlin’. Most affected: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius.

Red Light Days

November 10  Sun and Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius. Your tongue is sharper than the Scorpionic stinger. And you’re feeling hemmed in. Do not fly, or at least resist the urge to pack duct tape in your carryon. Sure, you’ll read the riot act eloquently… but there might be consequences. Most affected: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius.

Devember 24-31:  Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. Yeah, Christmas Week. Sorry for the Kosmic Kataclysm, kids, but that’s what happens when the planet of discipline and do-better-dammit clashes with don’t-fence-me-in upheaval kid Uranus. The aspect brings restrictions, unexpected transitions or frustrates any changes you do want. Prepare for rescheduled flights at a minimum. Most affected: Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus. Well, actually everyone’s on edge.

And now on to the signs themselves!




ARIES (March 21-April 19)

You might travel unexpectedly on business this holiday season: not exactly the recipe for domestic bliss, so pleeeze buy some exotic gifts for the loved ones. Single? Become a digital nomad in Aries-influenced Marseilles or the Maldives (top). Everything and everyone foreign spells luck, so head down to Oaxaca or over to Japan to take that course in the art of sushi, origami, and flower arrangement: It could lead to a lucrative sideline.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

The Sun, Mercury and Mars make a merry ménage-à-trois in your Marital Seventh House. But with expansive Jupe and taskmaster Saturn blitzing your Career Tenth House, business partners are real "Bull-dozers." Do bring the spouse/significant other on any work-ation. Lovemaking in thousand-count bedsheets needn’t be a deal-breaker over the spreadsheets. Maybe channel fellow Taureans Mark Zuckerberg and Gal Gadot: by doing some remote Zooming and Instagramming from southern Italy’s Cilentan Coast (part of Campania), where Marvel Studios filmed Themyscira.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Few signs have experienced pandemic panic as fiercely as you Mercurial Twins, so double down on travel. Jupiter and Saturn in your Education and Foreign Affairs Ninth House suggest taking an immersive language course. Get versed in French in Versailles, then tune up in Tunisia (above), both Gemini-ruled destinations. Or follow up the Scotch Whisky Trail by sniffing around distilleries in new Twin-ruled hotspot Wales.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

You might come into some money (inheritance, raise, lottery), so break out of that shell like fellow Cancerian Space-Xcelling Elon Musk. Yes, it’ll entail responsibility, but you should also indulge that inner kid for once (playful doesn’t mean Squid Game). The world’s your oyster, Crab, so take a cooking class in Venice, shop spices in Istanbul, tour wineries in New Zealand (all Moon-influenced locales). Just put the trip in tryptophan and linger in lingerie (whatever your gender), chillaxing with your significant other.

Martin Froyda

LEO (July 23-August 22)

With a plethora of planets painting your Fifth House of Creativity, Fun and Romance flirting with Jupiter rejuvenating your Seventh Partnership House, you court the Lion’s share of attention. You’re all about the grand gesture: Make “if luxe could kill” your motto. Renew your vows in a theatrical Leonine setting, perhaps a Sicilian Mount Etna winery or a Sega dance on a moonlit Seychelles beach. Or go on a movie set tour to satisfy your urge for drama, perhaps Game of Thrones hunting in Dubrovnik - or even better, Iceland, whose geothermal activity matches your sizzle.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22)

You Virgins get a bad rap/rep for perfectionism, but you express love through service. The holidays will bring out your fussiest side. You’ve rarely felt so connected to family, especially siblings. The stars favor short journeys, so consider taking off with your bro or sis on a staycation or weekend rubber-tire getaway (boot camps will do wonders for you famed hypochondriacs). Green issues make you blue, so patronize savvy hotels and museums that built living walls for both aesthetics and energy efficiency.

LIBRA (September 23-October 23)

Several planets visit your Second House of Moolah, making you go Gucci Gucci Goo at every window display in town. The conspicuous consumption extends to revenge travel. Avoid the diamond district in Libra-ruled Antwerp. Bucket list the Vienna Christmas markets (above) instead: The fiacres will sate your Venusian romanticism). Just heed the siren call of home for the holidays. Here’s a tip: Wherever you roam, stave off increases in baggage fares by packing wisely à la Libran Marie Kondo.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)

You can be a sly, inscrutable (gender-unspecific) minx – the only sign with two daemons: eagle and snake. They represent your spiritual polarities, evolved and luminous versus dark and secretive. Time to embrace both sides… all night if need be. Hit some BDSM clubs in fellow stingers Amsterdam and New Orleans (let them hit back!) or just DM on the DL in DC (Washington, that is). Let the dark shine. Then you can better appreciate traditional Christmukkahali with the other kind of brood.



SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)

You Archers are the original wanderlust-ful rolling stones, but you can’t get no satisfaction alone right now. Put the bond in vagabond instead: Siblings, co-workers and classmates need your refereeing skills during the holidays. Grab needed me time at a day spa to Zen and zone out while Mars and Mercury duet in your Karma House. Come December, several luminaries boost your Ego House into a skyscraper. Since your charisma knows no bounds, try cajoling the family to a sweat lodge edu-retreat in the Sag-ruled Outback of Australia (above).


CAPRICORN (December 22-January 20)

Jupiter and Saturn crash your second house (money, honey – and your value system). Bummer, since they cancel out cosmically (letting loose versus learning lessons). Worse, they’re in Aquarius, the sign that embodies charity and woke-fulness. Your energy and ego planets grace the do-gooder/do-better Twelfth House. Karmically, you need to pay a bigger tithe than usual. Just forget that Cap is short for capitalism too. There must be voluntourism opportunities where you can make like fellow "goat" Greta Thunberg or build a house, then shelter in place at a Four Seasons.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 19)

Yes, it’s stillll the Age of Aquarius. But not much longer. Various orbs storm your Do-Unto-Others Twelfth House. Which also rules prisons, asylums, fantasies, and film. In other words, illusion – and the ways we deceive ourselves. Other planets make noise in your Me-First First House and Tenth House of Career and Reputation: the unfamiliar sound of putting your needs first. Recharge on some retreat, spiritual or otherwise. Just check Google Flights for carbon emissions or expose bedbug infestations on TripAdvisor. And let your besties and close family know if you go off-grid.

PISCES (February 20-March 20)

Your ruling planet, dreamy Neptune pedals backward in your First House of Self/Ego, while the jittery jitterbug of Jupe and Saturn in the Piscean-ruled Twelfth House of Rebirth makes you feel like you’re spiritually swimming against the current without the reward of even a good spawn at the end. Meanwhile, even if you wanted to go on cruise control with the flow, career issues anchor you to home. For now, dream of that perfect escape: You Fishies are so good at that. That Rhine river barge and Bali “High” await. Promise.

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