Visit Costa Rica For Adventure Sports And Golf

Costa Rica, called by some the adventure capital of Central America, is a lush island in the Caribbean. With nearly 1000 miles of coast amid year-round temperate waters, Costa Rica has become a popular vacation spot for people looking for fun in the sun. Offering more to do, better public transportation, and incredible affordability when compared to Hawaii, Costa Rica is one of those places that simply cannot be missed.

In a tropical paradise like Costa Rica, one would expect to find water sports. Opportunities for surfing, sailing, snorkeling, and scuba are all easily obtained on the Caribbean island. Sport fishing and catamaran tours of the island are also readily available.

With all the and surf, it would be easy to simply park yourself on the beach, but in doing so, you would rob yourself of so many other opportunities that the island has to offer. Whether you prefer teeing up for 18 holes of golf, something that gives you an adrenaline rush, or something more along the lines of spectator sports, Costa Rica has something for everyone. Getting away from the beach opens doors to many adventures and a few surprises.

Heading inland in Costa Rica does not mean the added expense of renting a car. Public transport can take you, but if you prefer to travel away from the crowds, finding your way around the island to start your adventure can be as easy as getting a golf cart rental in Flamingo or renting a bike. However you decide to get around, there are opportunities around every corner.

Golf was introduced to Costa Rica in 1944 with the 9-hole course at the Costa Rican Country Club. Since 1970's, more courses have been added. The Parque Valle del Sol is recognized as an Audubon Bird Sanctuary. La Iguana Golf Course sits between the coast and the tropical forest, offering views of exotic animals and plants. The Four Seasons golf course, designed by Arnold Palmer, is ranked number 70 on the "Top 100 Courses Outside the United States" by Golf Digest.

As the adventure sports capital, Costa Rica appeals to the adrenaline junkies among us. Zip-lining through the canopy at one of the National Parks offers a rush and a view. With four species of monkeys and hundreds of birds, you will not be alone in the trees. Mountain biking is also becoming increasingly popular with the chance to take in the vistas of the five volcanoes across the island. You could also head to the Pacuare, by all accounts a wild whitewater rafting adventure with class III and IV runs. If you want a rush, Costa Rica will not disappoint.

If spectator sports are more up your alley, take in a soccer match at the National Stadium. Soccer is the national pastime, with Costa Rica’s 2014 World Cup Team performing better than ever before, defeating some of the top teams along the way. Or take in what may be most surprising of all to find on a tropical island: a bullfight. This is more of a rodeo than what we generally think of as a bullfight. The bulls aren’t killed and people ride them. Spectators can even jump into the ring themselves and pretend that they are in Pamplona. Costa Rica can make even a spectator sport an adventure, making the island a bucket list destination that you should not let pass you by.

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