Watching Black and Brown Bears in Alaska is Simply Fun

When it comes to bear viewing in Alaska is a special place because it hosts many species of famous North American bears. Here in Alaska, you could see bears in their wild habitat in their natural surroundings. If you want, you can take a good glimpse of Alaskan bear country. The Brown/grizzly bears are mostly found in the islands of south-eastern Alaska in the arctic whereas the Black bears can be spotted in the Alaska forests. On the other hand, if you want to see white Polar bears the massive ice sheets and glaciers if extreme northern and western Alaska is the best.

Black Bear

Black bears are still in large numbers in Alaska. They can be mostly found in the dense territory of Brooks Island in the arctic. They are mostly surrounded by visitors in the forests and usually feed in the garbage and other trash thrown by humans. You can find them in the forests, where they eat roots, berries, grasses, and small animals. In Southeast and South-central Alaska, they also eat salmon. Look for black bears at Anan Creek, south of Wrangell in Southeast Alaska.

If you are fond of grizzly bear viewing in Alaska then better look for them in the mountains. The difference between black bears and brown bears is that black bears relatively have less broad shoulders than grizzly brown bears. The brown bears also have strong chest muscles. On the other hand, the black bears have more robust curved claws that help them in climbing trees easily as compared to grizzly bears lack.

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