Medical Tourism Pros and Cons: Need contacts, info and potential interviewees pro and con for article

From one expert to another. Have a last-minute assignment from AOL Travel. Must get specs in tomorrow (and am out of country on assignment, to boot!) and main text in Wednesday.

Need any contacts, info and potential interviewees on both sides of coin, pro and con. Whether tourist offices, tour companies specializing in medical tourism, even health organization professionals.

Many thanks!

Jordan Simon

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Hi, Jordan -- BTW, in case Woodman doesn't get back to you on here, his email is
You might try Springboard Vacations. Warren and Ruth have signed a contact with a company in New Zealand to do the travel portion. I did a fam last year to New Zealand to site inspect a few hospitals and meet with hospital administrators. Their email address is:

Sharon Oberritter
Sharon, thanks so much for the tip. I've emailed them and hope to hear back in the next day....
Bestest, Jordan


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