
I am finishing up three assignments on Malaysia based on a trip I took there this summer.  I am writing for a  Jewish publication in LA and hope to sell another to one in New York that may be national.  The subject is food.  How can you keep kosher when you travel to Malaysia but still experience its wonderful seasonings and flavors. While Kosher and Halal diets have a lot in common, halal is not a perfect rule of thumb as it sometimes involves the use of Shrimp paste.

Hoping to find Jewish expats living there, or who have lived there, or traveled there frequently, or even somebody married to a jewish person.

Many thanks!


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My understanding was that to get Kosher certification required something more ingredients that go into making a cuisine ? I know of many south indian vegetarian restaurants in NYC that have kosher certification, and other south indian vegetarian ones that do not. 

Having said that, I'd bet that most south indian vegetarian restaurants with a malay twist in Penang and KL would be a.OK for many people; but not all. 

Hi, Anil...most people I know who keep Kosher (who are not orthodox) stick with Vegetarian food and just ask to make sure there is no shrimp paste.  Some halal restaurants are also OK for Kosher diners as long as they don't use shrimp paste.  I am writing mostly for a diverse audience where kosher-keepers are not orthodox and just adjust if they want to visit a place.

I am also looking for other places of interest such as gardens and museums that would appeal to the tourist.

Thanks for your reply!


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