Tourism is to a great extent a world of marketing.  In reality there are three major parts to the tourism product 1) the product itself, 2) the way the product is presented by both the provider (marketing) and perceived by the customer (reputation), and 3) the product delivery or service that is given as part of the product experience.  Often tourism professionals become so enthralled with one part of this triangle that they forget one or two of the other sides of the triangle.  This triangle holds true in all parts of the travel and tourism industry, be it airline or cruise tourism to restaurants and sports venues.  In all cases there must be something to sell, there must be a marketing and reputational component, and there must be some manner to deliver the product to the customer (often called customer service). 

Unfortunately, tourism and travel specialists in their desire to put their best foot forward tend to exaggerate their product’s value or at times swerve from the truth...

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