
Air Travel/Airlines

All about airlines, airports, flying in general. How to navigate them, get the best airfares, maximize your experience in a sector that hasn't exactly been a joy in recent years...come fly with us!

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6 apps to help vanquish fear of flying

Started by Iberia Airlines Nov 8, 2021.

8 tips to ensure maximum airline seat comfort

Started by Tripatini Sep 19, 2021.

How age differences affects fear of flying

Started by Iberia Airlines Aug 3, 2021.

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Comment by Sam Scribe on August 3, 2010 at 8:16pm
Allie, I'm a little surprised, but it doesn't matter, because the LA Times reports that Mexicana Airlines has declared bankruptcy. I'm very surprised about that. Did some of you see this coming?
Comment by Allie McCoy on July 31, 2010 at 8:33am
I have just learned that the United States aviation authorities have downgraded their safety ratings for AeroMexico and Mexicana Airlines. Will this prevent them from partnering with American airlines' frequent flyer programs, and are you as surprised as I am?
Comment by Sam Scribe on July 29, 2010 at 10:43am

(AP) "Figures just released from the government, while a bit dated, show that airline prices in the first three months of this year rose nearly 5 percent from a year earlier. And that doesn't include baggage fees and other extras."

Okay, you knew that. But did you know this?

"But if you take a step back, air travel still looks like a bargain. Average fares are 25 percent lower than they were in 1999 after adjusting them for inflation."
Comment by Nayaz Noor on July 28, 2010 at 1:31am

I am looking for a group air fare from Paris to Luxor on 20OCT with a return from Cairo to Paris on 29th Oct.
The groups size is about 40-45 and looking for the least expensive airfare. Can anyone help?


Nayaz Noor CTC, DS
Safir Tours Pvt. Ltd
Comment by Max Pesling on July 27, 2010 at 12:04am
Just when you thought airlines couldn't get any more devious... I caught this in today's eTurboNews:

Southwest Airlines: God now has a hand in carrier's mechanical prob...

If there's a God who controls floods and earthquakes, does the deity also have a hand in an airline's mechanical problems?

Apparently so, according to Tucson's most popular airline, which recently added "mechanical difficulties" to the list of acts of God and other events for which the carrier will not be liable if travel is delayed. ...

Convenient? What do you think?
Comment by Tripatini on July 25, 2010 at 11:37am
Airline sued for $5 million over lost bag in class-action lawsuit... Ever wanted to?
Comment by Tripatini on July 18, 2010 at 12:12pm
Hi, everybody! We've got a question in Ask A Travel Expert re fares to Israel. Please help by clicking here!
Comment by Ed Wetschler on July 12, 2010 at 4:51pm
Relief at JFK?

"A trial for a new jet-queuing system at New York JFK, designed to cut down on lengthy tarmac delays, has been extended after it showed signs of success, says the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, which runs the airport."

That's from USA Today, but the article doesn't define the "signs of success." Do any of you know how much less time planes are now spending on the tarmac?
Comment by Anil on July 9, 2010 at 10:43am
Ed, there is popular folklore amongst FF that the easiest way to ensure you never lose checked baggage or get misplaced is to carry a simple firearm and declare it at checkin. Boy, those TSA guys would track that piece of luggage like a hawk. They do not want a missing firearm airside.
I think in this case, TSA must have flinched the Glock. How sloppy of Mossad.
Comment by Ed Wetschler on July 8, 2010 at 2:23pm
A great airline success story (not), thanks to eTurboNews:

A bag belonging to agents travelling with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was mistakenly put on a flight from New York to Los Angeles, not to Washington.

Alarmingly the bag contained four 9mm Glock handguns, which are now missing.



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