Asking the Italian cooking holiday experts: How to cook pasta like an Italian?

Italian food is renowned being simple and delicious, with pasta being an all time favourite of all Italian food aficionados.
One of the most typical questions that our guests ask when they are with us on a cookery course in Italy is how to cook pasta-are there any secrets to cooking pasta like an Italian?
We asked our Italian chefs and here are all the steps you should follow to make pasta and be confident that it will taste like being cooked by a genuine Italian! 
Step 1: Cook your pasta of choice in plenty of boiling salted water.
Make sure you start properly with cooking your pasta in plenty of boiling salted water. You will probably need to add more salt than most people do.  Salt is very important to season the pasta and add flavour to your dish.
Step 2: Try your pasta and don’t cook it too much
To avoid soggy overcooked pasta we recommend to try the pasta. Ideally a few minutes before the cooking time suggested on the packaging. It shouldn’t be hard, but al dente (with a little bit of bite!)
Step 3: Do not empty your pasta into a colander
After your pasta is pronto you will need to avoid emptying it into a colander as the steam will overcook it. Use tongs or simply a spoon to empty your cooked pasta from the pan into the sauce (never the other way around!) & don’t forget to add in a little of the cooking water to thin the sauce and add more flavour to your dish.
Follow these steps and you’ll be cooking pasta just like Mama!
Buon appetito!

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