
Air Travel/Airlines

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6 apps to help vanquish fear of flying

Started by Iberia Airlines Nov 8, 2021.

8 tips to ensure maximum airline seat comfort

Started by Tripatini Sep 19, 2021.

How age differences affects fear of flying

Started by Iberia Airlines Aug 3, 2021.

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Comment by Iberia Airlines on July 26, 2012 at 1:31pm

Iberia has launched a program to make Madrid Barajas Airport's Terminal 4 the world's most user-friendly airport terminal. Here's how we're doing it.



Comment by Tripatini on July 17, 2012 at 2:05pm
Comment by Magda de la Torre on July 9, 2012 at 1:25am

 Emirates group to fly to the Caribbean & South America

A group from the United Arab Emirates just signed a lease for three (3) brand new 737-700s with Canadian travel  industry veteran Glenn Logan who heads Siboney.


Mr. Logan, heading a conglomerate of travel experts in the industry, was formerly with Air Jamaica, Travelodge hotels and CEO of CARAVAC, Caribana’s travel arm.


The aircraft will be use for operations in the Caribbean and South America regions.  More details will be forthcoming.


The Siboney experience is its professionals . . . . .



Contact:  Magda de la Torre  and/or  Shaaron Lewis

Matiz Communications Inc.                                                                         Tel.  416 784-5663    email:  









Comment by Anil on July 7, 2012 at 7:21pm

How will this work ? Operationally ? 

Say I am in 44J on a 747-400. Will they ask folks from say 21-50 with no Star next  to their seat to keep sitting, and only folks with a Star get up, pick their overhead and head to the gate ? 

I can understand tight connections, and I know from experience that inflight crew does make announcements to let pax with a flight to catch be allowed to proceed. 

As soon as the plane stops at the gate; All the folks in the aisle get up and pop open the overhead bins. 

There are some route-pairs which are notorious for ignoring any post landing instructions. Flights to MCO being the prime case in point.

Comment by David Paul Appell on July 7, 2012 at 10:18am

Just read about an interesting new idea for a airline fee that many people might actually appreciate, as polled by one travel site:

"16% of respondents were willing to pay to be at the front of the line when their flight lands. Of that group, 10% would pay $10 and 3% would pay as much as $20." 

Would you pay extra to avoid aggravation and better make tight connections by being able to get off a plane faster (sorry, I refuse to use that ridiculous airline jargon "deplane")?

Comment by Ed Wetschler on June 19, 2012 at 2:05pm

Good questions, Anil. I don't have answers, of course, but there's one thing we both have: an overwhelming feeling of dismay. 

Comment by Anil on June 19, 2012 at 12:38pm

This premium economy is not a new concept is it ? AA tried it a decade ago, adding few extra inches, BA did it, United tried it. From what I gather all mixed bag. If CDC were to be believed, We in the country have a crisis with obesity - Maybe airlines are banking on making monies off it ? In a full flight, the airlines are forced to move pax into those seats anyway without any revenue gain. 

As long as frequent flyers who have status, and the airlines keep giving complimentary upgrades; who would pay extra for premium economy ?

Comment by Ed Wetschler on June 18, 2012 at 5:39pm

We shall see, Anil. The airlines might like this idea, figuring it's another way for them to reinvent "Premium Economy" class. Boy, there's an oxymoron. 

Comment by Anil on June 18, 2012 at 10:26am

Airbus is just shooting the breeze. When was it that the airlines followed the schematics of what the Aircraft manufacturers proposed ? Pianos, Pub style bars, and what have you. There was and is nothing, preventing an airline from having wider seats in the back few rows of a larger aircraft, or one or two rows dedicated for oversized pax. 

Me thinks, this another one of the DOA ideas. 

Comment by Ed Wetschler on June 18, 2012 at 9:03am

WIDER SEATS FOR OBESE PASSENGERS: "Squeezing into a 'cattle class' airline seat is about to get a lot easier for the overweight traveller – but at the expense of more slimline passengers." -- The Daily Mail, UK

Here's how they'll do it: "

"Rather than have rows of three seats, each 18in wide, Airbus proposes making the aisle seat 20in wide and reducing the width of the two others by an inch each.

"The new configuration would also allow airlines to impose an extra charge for the premium seats, with Airbus estimating that a £6.50 fee could generate an extra £2 million for each aircraft over 15 years."

What do you think of this? 




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