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Photo: Pesto a la Mexicana © John Lamkin
Genoa is believed to be the birthplace of pesto. France has a similar sauce called pistou. Mexico is the birthplace of the avocado, one of the healthiest fruits known. Substituting the Mexican avocado for the Italian olive oil in this recipe makes healthy and tasty…
ContinuePosted on April 14, 2021 at 7:14am
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Оf Lоndоn's аіrроrts, Ѕtаnstеd Аіrроrt іs furthеst frоm thе сеntrе оf Lоndоn, nеаrlу 40 mіlеs. Тhе аіrроrt іs dоmіnаtеd bу lоw соst budgеt аіrlіnеs аnd іn раrtісulаr Rуаnаіr аnd еаsуЈеt, Еurоре's lаrgеst lоw соst аіrlіnеs.
OUR INTERWOVEN LIVES WITH THE ZAPOTEC WEAVERS: by Susanna Starr, Photographs by John Lamkin
What People are Saying about the Book
“OUR INTERWOVEN LIVES WITH THE ZAPOTEC WEAVERS is a beautiful book, both the writing and photographs. I own a Zapotec rug and appreciate the work of these artists. This book gives them credit where credit is long overdue.” --Tom Aageson, Executive Director, Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship
The book will be released early 2014
photo Sacred mountain ©John Lamkin
Look for our upcoming book,
Story by Susanna Starr, photos by John Lamkin
Welcome new friend, John!
We look forward to seeing you in a Chef LeeZ cooking class next time you are in Bangkok and in the meantime give our gourmet vegan or omnivore Thai cuisine recipes and tutorial videos a try at Best wishes for your future successes.
A pleasure to make your acquaintance!
Hi, John! Just to let you know that we have a great "TweetAndFly"contest going on Twitter in which you can win a flight for two to various Iberia destinations just by tweeting. Details/play at If you have the chance to let your readers know about this, we'd be grateful. It runs through early June 18.

Thanks, and we look forward to staying in touch!
Thank you for adding me as your friend!
Collate flight prices with and avail discounted deals on this New Year vacations..
Warm Greetings From Morocco Sahara Desert,
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Best Regards
Youssef Karaoui
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