Kathy Bryant
  • Female
  • Huntington Beach, CA
  • United States
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free lance travel writer
On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?
England France California
What destinations are you most interested in learning about?
British Isles
Other travel / language expertise?
managing editor California Homes magazine

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At 7:57am on December 13, 2010, Victor Balbin said…


Greetings, Kathy

Just drop by to say hello and tell you that Countryside Tours at San Juan Puerto Rico,

is a Tripatini member and tour operator.

If you have any clients coming our way, we look forward to working with you.

Victor Balbin


At 11:37am on November 23, 2010, Ed Wetschler said…
Kathy, I've fallen out of contact with Jessica, too. She had a baby about 10 or so years ago, but that's all I know. My next trip is to California (you've heard of it, yes?), because the SATW Board of Directors -- of which I'm now a member, for better or for worse -- is having its annual powwow in San Diego. I assume you're traveling less these days because of your editorial duties, right?
At 8:36pm on November 22, 2010, Ed Wetschler said…
Great to hear from you, Kathy, and I'm glad skies are sunny out there on the Left Coast. I'm still in touch with Kathleen Beckett (she's in the New York Travel Writers Association), but I haven't bumped into anyone else from that trip. Turkey was indeed glorious. I'd been there before, I've gone there since, and knock wood, I'll get there again. Have you been back? I hope things are going well with California Homes. The economy may be tanking, but people will always need homes, and they'll always want those places to look good.
At 10:53am on November 22, 2010, Tripatini said…
Kathy, welcome to Tripatini, the worldwide travel community the New York Post dubbed “Facebook for travelers.” On Tripatini, you can mingle with travelers and top travel experts alike, so everybody learns how to travel better and smarter. A few tips to get you rolling:

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