Dneprovoy Alexey's Blog – September 2011 Archive (9)

Danish humor

Dennish romance and funny stuff: http://tours-tv.com/en/denmark


In Denmark it's illegal to start a car while someone is under thevehicle, and before starting car you must check lights, brakes, steering and honk your horn

You can't leave your broken car on the side of the road without marking it with a red, reflecting triangle.

Car …


Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 26, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments

Don Qijote's homecountry

Some interesting and as always funny facts about flamenco's home country - Spain: http://tours-tv.com/ru/spain


  • They have funny looking sandals – especially in Barcelona
  • They say joder, coño, madre mia, vaya putada, ostia, gilipollo, esta de puta madre, hijoputa every few words. They all mean pretty much the same – damn, f…,  Jesus Christ, wtf (these are…

Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 23, 2011 at 3:05am — No Comments

Russia's geographical friend

Surfing through the Internet I found some interesting stuff  about Russia's closest neibourh- Finland, http://tours-tv.com/en/finland 


1. the country has over 188000 lakes with 98000 islands!

2. They have a wife carring championship

3. A cell phone throwing …


Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 22, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

October fest's fun!

Thies week is great for everyone who loves beer...Yeah, the October fest has started! So, I'd like to mention some interesting facts about October fest's home land: Germany - http://tours-tv.com/ru/german


There are over 82 million people in Germany. It is the most densely populated country in the world. The Germans have kept 31% of the country covered with forests and woodlands. There is the feeling of wilderness all around you.…


Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 21, 2011 at 4:00am — No Comments

Global China Town

Today I will leave a short note about Chna:


  1. Beibei the fish, Jingjing the panda, Huanhuan the Olympic flame, Yingying the Tibetan antelope, and Nini the swallow are the official Mascot of the …

Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 8, 2011 at 9:53am — No Comments

NY: famous and not

There are 20 most interesting facts about NY you can't live without http://tours-tv.com/en/soho-new-york-city


1. Dutch explorer Peter Minuit purchased the island of Manhattan (really its southern tip) from the Algonquin tribe for trinkets and tools worth about $24.

2. The first known name for…


Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 7, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

Nearest neibours

One of my favourite Russian brother-countries is Latvia^ http://tours-tv.com/ru/latvia


he main national holidays in Latvia are May Day (May 1st) and National Day, on November 18, when all offices, government as well as private, are closed for the celebrations that include a grand parade in Riga. In addition to this, there are a number of religious and social events that are public holidays. Midsummer celebrations are among the most…


Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 5, 2011 at 8:48am — No Comments


Here are 25 facts about Belgium that you should know: http://tours-tv.com/ru/belgium

  1. In 1066, Huy, Belgium became the first European city to receive a charter of rights, making it the oldest free city on the continent.
  2. Brussels sprouts really do come from Belgium and have grown in the Brussels area for over 400…

Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 2, 2011 at 4:30am — No Comments

Pepperoni state

Today I would like to highlight some interesting and funny facts about Italy, one of the oldest countries: http://tours-tv.com/ru/italy


taly is truly a beautiful and fascinating country. It is on my list of the countries I would love to visit! 

Italy’s boundaries encompass a territory larger than the U.S. state of Arizona. Italy has around 40 million visitors per year and has the most hotel rooms of any European nation.…


Added by Dneprovoy Alexey on September 1, 2011 at 9:10am — No Comments

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