New Zealand Transportation: What's Your Budget?

BUSES: There's several bus companies that offer all sorts of routes across NZ.  This is the cheapest option to see the most of the country the easiest.  The setbacks are its a set route and set schedule.  Its a fast paced, up at 8am, get places and go. They say you can come and go as you please, but the issue is during the peak seasons it maybe very hard to get your spot on the bus once you give it up to stay longer. Its not as flexible as they say unless your calling weeks in advance.  Its great for meeting people and having the bus company do most of the legwork for you.  Me personally, I like to get lost and go at my own pace. The bus option gives you a highlight reel of things to do at the best price.  Downside is you're traveling with 40 people without much flexibility.  
Traveling by car, you go when you want where you want.  For your wallet avoid the main rental car companies (Hertz, Eurocar, Avis, etc.) in the airport. They charge the most.  Instead, go off the beaten path a bit and you can find some real good deals if you look a bit.  Even still renting a car long term anyway is a really expensive. Some rental places have deals if you rent long term (like 2 months). Gas is the real killer.  Everything in NZ from bananas to oil is imported, and therefore very expensive.  So be prepared for food, gas, and hotels are gonna burn a hole in that wallet.  
Campervans are really cool and unique to NZ.  It's a great "in between" of a car and a bus. Its almost like a mini hotel on wheels.  Its ideal for laid back, long term, "don't wanna rough it in a tent for 2 months" camping.  However, what you'll save on hotels you'll spend on gas. Some companies have really cool long term deals where you can get a Campervan for cheap but have to rent it for months at time to get that great price.  Its a really cool, unique experience. I'd say if you have the extra cheese I'd go with this instead of renting a car.
Let me start by saying THE WALNUTS SHOW DOES NOT ENCOURAGE HITCHING RIDES. That being said, it is practiced widely throughout NZ. NZ is possibly the friendliest, nicest, most helpful people left on the planet. Through my travels, I noticed that hitchhiking is encouraged and practiced widely throughout the country.  So if you're feeling a bit crazy (and really have no money), that's always an option too.  Truth be told, it'll take ya double the time to get anywhere, but I'm sure you'll get a good story out of it. :)  

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Comment by Sam Scribe on July 9, 2011 at 11:37am
One other advantage to the campervans: You save on food by making most of your meals yourself instead of eating in restaurants.

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