I just pubished a selection of my travel writing - 71,000 words and 56 pieces from all over the world - on

the Kindle:

Snakes Alive and Other Travel Writing

The paperback should be available on Amazon by the end of the month.


If any members can review it anywhere then all publicity is gratefully received. Email me for a copy: mgwrite at gmail dot com.




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Hi Mike. What kind of experience did you have with your Kindle publication? Is it in paperback yet? On Kindle as an e-book? Do you recommend this typw of publishing? Do you have tips or hints for the rest of us?

THANKS for any feedback... Lynne



Hi Lynne


Publishing on Kindle is very straightforward. There's a guide that explains how to do it, and you can also get the very useful guide from Smashwords.com as you can publish to Kindle and many other outlets including the Apple Store and Sony through Smashwords, which I have also used.


My book is on Kindle as a Kindle book and available in paperback through Amazon.com, though not Amazon.co.uk. Using CreateSpace to produce a Print on Demand paperback only makes it available, as yet, in the USA.


I really recommend self-publishing, althugh it depends what you are publishing. My collection of travel essays won't sell much, I did it more to have the work out there, raise my profile a little, not to have a best-seller. But guidebooks might sell well. Our guide to Pacific Coast Highway hotels, my first dabble in the new waters of self-publishing, sells a few copies each day through our own website, Kindle, and CreateSpace.



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