Hi! I am working on an article about RVing but I am not an RVer. So, I could use some help.

I am looking for people willing to share information about RV vacations and / or choosing the RV lifestyle. This is for a publication geared toward Baby Boomers so respondents in that demograph are preferred. I'd like to hear funny anecdotes about your RVing adventure.

What appeals to you about the RV roadtrip?

How long have you been traveling this way?

Who usually accompanies you on these trips?

Where have you traveled and how long do your trips typically last?

Since you started RVing, do you take any non-RV vacations, such as cruises, resorts or

If you are living the RV-lifestyle (sold the homestead and living in an RV) what motivated you to jump in?

What are some of the pros and cons of such a lifestyle?

Do you tow a car (or rent one) for local jaunts when you are in a particular location?

How do you expect the current gas prices to affect your travel plans?

Anyone with RVing statistics such as how many Americans RV, what is their average age, how many are doing it full-time, do RVers travel more than non-RVers or any other similar information, that you would like to share would be helpful.

If you are responding as an RVing professional, please provide a short bio with your credentials.


NOTE: Please do not respond with a promo for your book (this has happened). I do not have time to read it and make my deadline. I just need your candor. If you have written a book and would like to include that information as part of your credentials, that's fine.  Thank you.

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Hi Susan!  I know that not all RV folks on Tripatini have joined this group yet (it's fairly new), so one way to track them down is by doing a search for "RV"  on the Members page. Here's the link: http://www.tripatini.com/profiles/members/?q=RV.  Good luck!!


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