Hi, I am writing a feature on eco-hotels and need a total of five for my article. So far I am looking at La Luna in Grenada, Ace in Palm Springs, Dos Palmas in Palawan, Philippines...I would love suggestions on two more...hopefully one in Canada, as this is a Canadian pub. patricia.gajo@adventuramag.ca

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Hotel Terra in Jackson Hole, WY is one that comes to mind.
Post this query on our Eco/Sustainable Tourism group, too -- we have several members involved with eco hotels. And you're referring to hotels and not eco lodges, right?
yes, eco hotels. thanks for the tip!
Can't give you one in Canada but I have lots of great ones in the tropics at Eco Tropical Resorts. Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge in Dominica is a great one as well as Black Sheep Inn in Ecuador, Nakia Dive Resort in Fiji and Casa Del Caballo Blanco in Belize are another couple of great ones. They're all on my site.
Oh, I forgot, this fall I visited a very cool new designer hotel in Cornwall England that's one of the greenest I've seen: www.scarlethotel.co.uk.
where do i find this group to post my query?
You can check the group listings down the left-hand side of the main page or click here: http://www.tripatini.com/group/ecotravel
I suggest you the Sacacomie Resort in northern Québec that is quite unique.
Toll Free: 1 + 888 + 265-4414
Phone : (819) 265-4444
Fax: (819) 265-4445

You can also visit the GEOS Spa Sacacomie website at www.geos-spa-sacacomie.com.
There are some really great eco hotels in Patagonia- Chile. One is the Remota...can't think of the other.
Hotel Terra -- absolutely. Also, this is from an email I got half a year ago:

"Two years ago we opened the first and still the only, US Green building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum hotel and restaurant, the Proximity and Print Works Bistro. Here is a link: http://www.proximityhotel.com/."

Check out the website--this is really something.
I stayed at the new Alila Uluwatu Bali in the summer. Eco and super luxurious. Great design. http://www.alilahotels.com/uluwatu.

Also stayed at the Eolo Lodge, El Calafate Patagonia, Argentina last year. Magical place. www.eolo.com.ar.

There are several Canadian hotels listed on www.ecohotelsoftheworld.com but I can't personally vouch for any of them,

Just got back from the ACE Palm Springs. Loved it! Don't forget the ACE New York and the original, ACE Portland. Apparently they are planning more.
Hello Patricia,

Have a look at my website: www.best-ecolodges.com where la creme de la creme eco hotels and eco lodges are featured! Make sure that the hotels you are choosing are genuine eco hotels...lots of hotels are using the word "eco" or "green" without being truly sustainable. Have a look at the article I wrote on "How to avoid green washing" http://www.best-ecolodges.com/press_release.htm

I can suggest our newest addition El remanso in Costa Rica, a model in term of sustainability: http://www.best-ecolodges.com/costarica.htm

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions, I will be glad to help!


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