We currently have a journalist and photographer in South America who are interested in visiting quirky, boutique hotels/resorts and tourist attractions. Does anyone have a UK/USA contact for the tourist offices of Colombia and Panama?

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I recently returned from a press trip (solo) to Panama and really was amazed by all that they offer. Here's the contact info for them and also a link to my Panama story that mentions some fun, quirky places they might be interested in.


Ejecutiva de Comunicaciones

Dirección de Mercadeo y Comunicaciones

Autoridad de Turismo de Panamá (ATP)

Teléfonos: (507) 526-7000 ext. 7147

Email: mhernandez@atp.gob.pa

That should be enough to get them started.

Janice Nieder
You can write my friend Matt Landau in Panama: panamatravels@gmail.com

He runs a boutique hotel in Casco Viejo and works closely with the tourism board... he's a wealth of contacts so I'm sure he could help you out! Tell him Claire Saylor passed his information on...
Dear Nicholas,
At the risk of risking sounding rude, it's Colombia with two "o"s. I am sure that was a typo on your part, but I am equally sure that nothing annoys the beautiful South American country as much as being confused with a New York City university, the U.S.'s federal capital or the state capital of South Carolina. As far as going there, the country is opening up, but Cartagena is still where the lion's-share of travelers go. Again, I am sure you're aware of that. Contact the Fondo de Promoción Turística, which has an office in New York City.
Happy New Year.

140 East 57th St., 2nd Flr., and ask for tourism
Thank you for pointing that out.

Terence Baker said:
Dear Nicholas,
At the risk of risking sounding rude, it's Colombia with two "o"s. I am sure that was a typo on your part, but I am equally sure that nothing annoys the beautiful South American country as much as being confused with a New York City university, the U.S.'s federal capital or the state capital of South Carolina. As far as going there, the country is opening up, but Cartagena is still where the lion's-share of travelers go. Again, I am sure you're aware of that. Contact the Fondo de Promoción Turística, which has an office in New York City.
Happy New Year.

140 East 57th St., 2nd Flr., and ask for tourism
Hi Claire, Thanks for your help. I've already heard back from Matt.

Claire Saylor said:
You can write my friend Matt Landau in Panama: panamatravels@gmail.com

He runs a boutique hotel in Casco Viejo and works closely with the tourism board... he's a wealth of contacts so I'm sure he could help you out! Tell him Claire Saylor passed his information on...


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