"Any publicity is good publicity for Dublin-based budget airline Ryanair," reports CNN.

"The no-frills airline recently announced plans to cut down to just one toilet per aircraft, and that had us wondering: Are announcements like their toilet fee and "fat tax" tasteless marketing ploys, or is Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary just really cheap?

"Despite wanting to strip their passengers of basic comforts like toilets and seat pockets, Ryanair is doing good business. Comparing September 2011 with September 2010, Ryanair reported a 6 percent hike in passenger numbers."

Ryanair seems to be doing EXACTLY the opposite of what I used to do for a living: It is fighting bad publicity by actually creating even more bad publicity -- and they're thriving. At what point do passengers say, "It's not worth it?" 


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"At what point do passengers say, "It's not worth it?" "


It is a bad time for a new airline to enter the LCC market. Passenger numbers are not an indicator of profitability. People will endure the agony and fly RyanAir as long as it is the cheapest. People who would otherwise not take a full-service airline, will take Ryan Air.

I think the CEO is crazy :) Look at all the RyanAir jokes and cartoons floating around. Funny and hilarious 


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