How can I buy tickets of sights in Rome and Venice in advance?

Are there any reliable agencies ? I'm in China, I wanna buy some through the Internet.

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Honglin, there are a number of different sites that you can access, one of the better ones is Viator.  However, if you are looking for city tours so you can get an overview of the cities, try Sandemans.  They are a free service (they are hoping you will tip them) and excellent.  If you are hoping to get a "head of the line" ticket for the Vatican or the Accademia in Florence, book directly through the museum's web site.  Much less expensive.  Have a great trip.   Chris

Honglin we offer advances tickets for every sightseeing in Italy:

Browse all the choices we have and pick your tickets! 


For example, if you need tickets for the Vatican Museums this is the link:


Honglin, here is a site to purchase tickets. It is Viator and you just enter the city and the dates you will be there. Hope this helps!  



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