VisitBritain has launched a consultation on an ambitious growth plan which aims to attract 40 million visitors to Britain by 2020. The strategy is built on Britain’s successful hosting of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games by showing that aligning marketing and Government policy can deliver an economic legacy. Reaching that figure would deliver £8.7 billion additional foreign exchange earnings at today’s prices, and support more than 200,000 additional jobs. According to VisitBritain, TV viewers have seen a country that can not only deliver a great Games, but can also welcome the world and host a great party...

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A timely post as we are now contacting tourism offices to see if they can help us promote travel operators, both small local enterprises and international tours, to invite them to add their services (at no cost) to ...this is our invitation with full info for their due diligence....

We are sure you will agree that supporting local
travel businesses also has a very beneficial effect for many
other businesses in their villages, towns, cities, counties,
provinces, states, regions or nations.
We can help you increase traveller traffic to these
and wish to introduce Global Tourism
Offices to the
Travel Operator Promotions system (TOPs)
The Club offers any travel business operator courtesy
listed links by Destination and Activity when they offer
direct booking savings or net of commission (outlet)
prices to the members of The Top Travel Club,
Aussie Travel Saver and World Privilege Club
(around 3,500,000 members).
-  We do not sell travel or take reservations....
    our members handle all of their arrangements
    and payments directly with our listed travel clients.
-  We do not charge any fees, commissions or
    membership dues to any of our listed travel
    operator clients.
-  We only earn income from club membership dues.
Members currently have access to 100’s of 1000’s of
direct booking savings on travel and shopping in over
100 countries with new selections added daily.
Our TOPs system enables efficient direct bookings
for both travel businesses and for travellers.....
with tremendous savings for travellers and
more business for travel operators.
We cannot contact every global travel business but
we have room for all that are interested in promoting
their products and services to our members – from
the smallest quality B&B to the grandest lodge....
from a quality day tour operator to an extended
international operator....all are welcome.......
but we cannot do it alone .... we would appreciate
some help from Tourism Departments so that we
can help you promote more of your local businesses
to a greater audience of travellers.
We want and need the help of Tourism Offices
to give their local operators the opportunity to
review our offer of no cost advertising, marketing,
promotion and sales of their products and services at
Once onboard with a free account, all of our travel clients
have a secure log-in and may  access their linked listings
to add, edit or delete their offers at any time and at no cost.
We invite you to review our website and should you agree
that your own tourism businesses would benefit from a
listed and linked promotion (at no cost) we invite you to
apprise them of this opportunity via your own
communications, press releases and marketing of your
tourism region by -
village, town, city, county, province, state, region or nation. 
In order for your travel business operators and yourselves
to do your due diligence, please contact us or
forward this information to them.
Tony Humphrey, FCA
Top Hand at The Top Travel Club
skype available on request (Vancouver, BC)
NB. We also offer all of our travel operators a free
family membership for their own savings on 100’s of 1000’s
of travel and shopping selections in over 100 countries
(a $75usd value).


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