What destinations, types of travel, or travel services will be big in 2013? All opinions appreciated; the editor of my alumni magazine wants to interview me. 

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Although biased on this subject Ed....I have to say that there will be  a growth in direct bookings that eliminate the retail mark-ups on travel...the opportunity to find the actual operator will become more popular with the availability of travel directories.....travel selections that are not normally available in retail agencies are now on the web and available for direct bookings.....the cost of printing brochures, bricks and mortar offices and shops, labour rates,  is hurting major players (T. Cook) and small agencies will suffer if they do not have true  professional consultants (not simply agents) with knowledge, experience and expertise of destinations and activities (KEE skills).  the web and sites such as mine at TheTopTravelClub.com now offer a greater selection of travel with direct booking savings. 

We will continue to grow our product range as we do not charge any travel business for any of our services and we do not sell travel or take res....we simply point our members in directions that offer more choice and more savings.

With growing "gray" market, I see cruising being big again. (Buy Carnival!) And more "themed" travel taking up some of a reduced mid-east, especially Egypt

Like Tony Humphrey, I'm biased. All kinds of reunions are growing in number and attendance. Reunions are a significant part of the hospitality market as small groups (tho many are over 200 or 300) spending on accommodates and F&B. They also tour, shop and go to attractions. They're the whole package multiplied many times for the industry AND most are weekend business often in places that concentrate on business and convention travel during the week. And, frankly, I'm not including college alumni reunions which are in a class of their own with very specific goals to increase giving and endowments.

Not sure if it will trend, but there are many programs that offer free stay for volunteer work. Seeing the world, helping people in less fortunate countries is a rewarding and eye opening experience. 

All very interesting comments. I appreciate your advice on this; thanks to you four, I got through the interview without going blank.

Recent Norovirus outbreaks could hit the cruise business badly..

Cliff, it's amazing the cruise ship industry hasn't already taken a bigger hit on this. Tony, regarding the comment you made November 28th, I've since read several authoritative articles and blog posts that say, in effect, that you're absolutely right about direct bookings. 

Now it really is 2013. We shall see!


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