Healthy snacking is an oxymoron that’s easier said than done ~ all things in moderation, including snacking, and while you’re at it, make sure it’s healthy!   
I’ve come across some options that are definitely healthier than many "snacks" and also tasty.   Some of these options can even be combined to create a quick on-the-go breakfast or lunch, by adding a container of yogurt or a small salad.  Having a variety of eating choices is also key to eating healthy, since monotony leads to boredom and temptation into the realm of the “forbidden”.  Whatever you snack on, make sure it’s satisfying, healthy and not tempting or a meal replacement.  Good luck!

Views: 352

Replies to This Discussion

Healthy snacking would include fresh fruits and vegetables or fresh salads. You do have to watch these are actually healthy, no added oils or salad dressings ( sprinkling of virgin olive oil is healthy). You may want to try some of the free Thai soup or vegan Thai recipes like the mushroom salad in the vegan recipes provided by Chef LeeZ.

Of course healthy eating includes fruits, vegetables and related, but that wasn't the point of my article.  Also, people don't perceive these items as "snack" related.  And, in my opening remarks, I do reference fruits and salads as an option to some of the healthy "snack" items I tested and reviewed.  While I appreciate your reply, I would also appreciate your refraining from inserting your images and links to your recipes.  Perhaps you might want to start your own related discussions so others could fully appreciate your content and my content as well.  Thanks.

Simply sharing..

Have a Greatv Day!

Thanks Chef...I understand...but, with such a beautifully represented dish you reference in the photo, your credit might get lost.  Enjoy your day and weekend,  Best wishes...

Yum. I hadn't heard of most of these snacks, and I'll search for them next time I shop.THANKS for the leads.

Thanks for your reply, Lynne and for taking the time to read my article.  Enjoy pursuing the leads.  Happy, healthy snacking!


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