Hi, I'm Johan the owner of www.mystartguide.com a Tourism Directory linking all resources for local Tourism Companies. 
Please feel free to submit your URL, I'll review the site and place a link. Offcourse it needs to be a site concerning tourism travel or a destination. 

Johan Schoonen

Views: 3128

Replies to This Discussion

Lot Cycling Holidays


Situated in one of the most beautiful and unspoilt areas of France. We offer cycling, walking and wine tours based at our country home for the whole tour with gourmet standard food and wine.
Hey Johan,
Were you not able to put my site AfricanDiasporaTourism.com on mystartguide? I did not see it. What do I need to do? Do I qualify.
Hi Johan..Put "Casa Del Soul" in your directory.. http://www.casadelsoul.info I am a "Luxury B & B" located in San Juan Del Sur,Nicaragua ..Casa Del Soul is RATED #1 in "SPECIALTY LODGING" by www.tripadvisor.com Been # 1 since 2008..Thanks,Randy
Hi Johan..This is Randy at "Casa Del Soul" in San Juan Del Sur,Nicaragua..How much longer will it take to get www.casadelsoul.info listed on your site?..Thanks..
Hi Johan,
We've launched a page and are actively posting articles at www.Facebook.com/GreenGlobalTravel, and will be launching www.GreenGlobalTravel.com on September 21. We'd love to be included in your listings.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Bret Love & Mary Gabbett
Green Global Travel
Hello, we are India based Travel and Tour Operators.We provide tour packages booking and hotel booking in India across 400 destinations.Visit us at: http://www.t2india.com

Thank You.

Sanjeev Barman
Hi Johan, I have already submitted my website through linkedin. If this guide is different then please consider the following sights for publication. Thanks & Ragards.
SERVICIOS TURISTICOS CENTRO AMERICA S.A. is one of the main tour operators in GUATEMALA , with welknown companies such as ADRENALINA TOURS (www.adrenalinatours.com , certified and verified by Great green deal & rain forest alliance , sept. 2010 ) , CAMINANDOGUATEMALA (specialized in treks & hikes , www.caminandoguatemala.com) and TODOS LOS CONTINENTES ... please feel welcome to have your own group or individual travel plan .. we are based in the far West of Guatemala in the city of Quetzaltenango (Xelaju)
Dear Johan! We are an incoming tour operator in Russia. Please, take a look at our URL http://www.olton.ru.

Thank you very much.

Olga Emelianova
Hi Johan,

We offer philanthropic travel to Peru. The URL is www.llamaexpeditions.com. Thanks! Diane
hi there Johan www.eco-tur.com cheers paul (angola)

Johan , congratulations .. and if you ever want to place GUATEMALA in the spotlights (in 2012 .... not the end, the beginning of something new) , please feel free : www.adrenalinatours.com


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