Opportunities for Travel Professionals to Promote Travel Packages and Cruises. - FREE!


Expanding your online footprint is critical to your success as a travel agent, blogger and writer. The larger your online footprint, the greater your influence and opportunity travelers will reach out to you.

1) Post Guest Author Articles

We welcome Travel Agents, Bloggers and Writers to post guest articles. “Sell the Experience” by writing 600 to 1,500 word guest articles describing your travel experience. Add a few of your images to help tell the story. Articles with an emphasis on Travel Experiences, cruises, vacations and recreation opportunities are very popular.

Guest Authors Receive the Credit You Deserve with Amazing Author Attribution that Features your Professional Bio along with Social Media & Website Links.

One of the areas we spent a ton of development time was building the Guest Author Bio to provide proper attribution and help promote our contributing authors. The Author Bio pages feature a beautiful layout, your author head-shot, professional bio and links to your website and social media sites. We promote our guest authors as thought leaders and experts in their travel niche.
More Info » Post Guest Author Articles

2) Post Vacation Classifieds

We encourage Travel Professionals to post trips, cruises and travel experiences in this marketplace. Our Vacation Classifieds is a FREE self-service posting module where up to 1,500 words and 4 images can be added to Sell the Experience. Each classified has a contact reply form for potential customers inquire about your ad.
More Info » Vacation Classifieds

3) Post in Review Resorts: Talking Travel Community

The Review Resorts Travel Communities allow you to post, comment and “like” in a social media format. Customize the look of your main feed page with a full width banner. Build your audience by posting often.
More Info » Talking Travel Community


We encourage Travel Agents to take advantage of these three (3) FREE travel marketing opportunities which we have made available for travel professionals. Expanding your online footprint is critical to your success as a travel agent, blogger and writer. The larger your online footprint, the greater your influence and opportunity travelers will reach out to you.

Views: 339

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for sharing this detailed thread. I agree the use of classified ads and guest posting are reliable sources to promote your travel packages. However, as this pandemic severely affect the operations and sales of the travel industry, that's why the travel industry should consider out of the box online marketing opportunities. In this regard, I would like to suggest you the following ways to promote your travel packages:

Social Media Marketing: First of all, your travel agency must have a social media presence, and with the use of right marketing strategies, you should engage the target audience at social networking sites. The use of social media ad campaigns via exciting banner ads could be more effective. However, if you are thinking that you would need a banner designer and other experts then you are wrong. With this ad banner maker, you can design your social media ad with great ease, and it would take only a few minutes to start your social media campaign. 

Try Organic Traffic Services: If you don't have much experience in social media and online marketing, then you can also go with internet traffic services. I would suggest you to try Simple Traffic services to get real traffic for your travel packages link or blog. However, it is essential to check the authenticity of such offers before proceeding with them.

Travel Forums: No doubt, you should also include travel forums in your list. Yes, travel-oriented forums are also the best sources to engage potential customers. 

Hopefully, this Covid-19 pandemic would over soon and travel industry would able to get the benefit of their online promotion campaigns. 


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