Are south africans skiing lovers?
How many of them spend time skiing in the mountains.

I'm looking for all kind of info on this.
Where may I found them?


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hi there

Many of us DO love skiiing. Speaking for myself - many of us went overseas to Europe after studying and worked and travelled on working visas for a few years. One of the highlights was being able to go skiing on our European currencies while over there... so we DO love skiing but it is quite difficult to afford it on our South African Rands now that we are back. There is skiing possible at Rhodes in the back end of the Drakensberg Mountains here in South Africa - however it is more a fun experience than proper skiing. Does that help?
Thanks Rosie,
useful info.

Do you think there are travel agency interested to sell Alps skiing for south africans?
Do you have specialiead travel agency about skiing or about Europe?
May you give me a contact?

Best Regards


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