
Movies & Travel

How many times have you seen a movie and said "I'd love to go there!" or "Hey, cool, I was there!"? Movies can both inspire travel dreams and bring back memories. What are your favorites -- old and new?

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Comment by John Kipper on July 6, 2010 at 4:38pm
When I was a kid I saw this really funny movie aoubt a couple that travels crosscountry in a trailer and they have all kinds of hilarious mishaps along teh way, I remember at one point the wife was collecting rocks along the way and they nearly go over a cliff when the rocks shift in the back, does anybody know the name of the movie I'm talking about? I'd love to c it again!!
Comment by David Paul Appell on May 22, 2010 at 3:49pm
Anybody see Letters to Juliet? Just did last night. A sweet story -- a bit over-acted and over-directed in spots -- but with cinematography that makes Verona, Siena, and the Tuscany countryside look good enough to mangiare!

Comment by José Balido on March 28, 2010 at 11:02am
Great story on today about movies that make us want to travel. See anything lately that made you want to hit the road?
Comment by John Kipper on February 13, 2010 at 9:17am
OK, I propose a new discussion for this Movies & Travel group: DUMBEST TRAVEL MOVIE OF ALL TIME. I know there's plenty of contenders, but really how many times do we go see a movie like that MIssion Impossible thing with Tom Cruise in Prague and then the movie like totally sucks?

Here's the first entry for the new tripatini DUMBEST TRAVEL MOVIES OF ALL TIME competition:

WHEN IN ROME. Let me boil it down for you: frigid chick steals some coins from a fountain in Rome, and some magic spell makes all these guys who tossed the coins in fall madly, insanely, laughably in love with her. It started off ok but within like 3 minutes I wanted to run out and throttle the bambina who sold me the tickets. Only I couldnt because I was with this date who was TOTALLY into the movie, GIGGLING like it was remotely funny. Do u know how bad this movie was? The schmuck sitting next to me, whod' brought his 3 little girls, was PLAYING SOLITAIRE on his iPhone!!!! During a movie!

Long story short, I think it's over between me and this girl last night, I mean, can I build a meaningful relationshiop with somebody who laughs at the stupidest movie I've ever seen? Could I even build a non-meaningful relationship you know like one night and goodbye? I DON'T THINK SO. So if you are reading this, yes, it's over!! LOL

OK that all made me sound like a jerk, I'm not, I'm a real nice guy (just ask my Mom), BUT I draw the line at stupid movies and people who like them.

So here's my question: should I give GIGGLE GIRL another chance?
Comment by David Paul Appell on December 14, 2009 at 11:36am
Just saw Clint Eastwood's Invictus, with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, set in 1990's South Africa. Very cool, very inspiring -- and for the life of me I'll never understand how rugby players keep all their teeth and other body parts more or less intact, without helmets and such. And I just got word from SA's PR folks that a tour operator called Destination South Africa has now launched Invictus-themed products, which you can check out at

Comment by Wendy Capra on August 30, 2009 at 11:02am
Looks like a fun flic, David! Too bad Casi Divas isn't playing here in Seattle, and I don't know if it will ever get here. I just don't have the patience to watch 10 separate snippets on YouTube................... so I guess I'll wait for the DVD!

Speaking of Mex movies, I think Y tu mama tambien is one of the most amazing movies i've ever seen................ kinda makes me want to be an actress (well I tried that once and it ddidn't go too well LOL)
Comment by David Paul Appell on August 29, 2009 at 9:29am
I just thought I'd weigh in on an interesting flick I just saw this past week, called Casi Divas. It's a 2009 Mexican movie just released in the U.S. this past Friday, and while it has plenty of flaws, it also offers some pretty interesting glimpses into various sectors of Mexican life and society, from the big glitzy side of Mexico City to the dangerous maquiladora-land, Ciudad Juárez, to the Zapotecan culture of Oaxaca. It's in theaters subtitled, and will soon be out on DVD, and somebody also uploaded it in its entirety to YouTube (but in 10 separate chunks, and not subtitled). Here's the subtitled trailer:

Comment by Wendy Capra on August 19, 2009 at 10:08am
One of my favorite movies too, José!
Comment by José Balido on May 16, 2009 at 3:09pm
Speaking of movies and travel, Barcelona is in my opinion one of the most beautiful, passionate, livable cities on earth... and Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona beautifully captured its offbeat sensual side. Anyone who loves BCN, or who'd like to go, should not miss this flick!

Comment by David Paul Appell on May 16, 2009 at 2:52pm
Well, I caught Angels & Demons last night, and had the same thought as when I was reading the book: a little over-the-top and silly. But the best part was not only the recreations of behind-the-scenes stuff like the cardinals' conclave but all the many sights and sounds of Rome and Vatican City (and though the Vatican stuff wasn't shot on location, the recreations are amazing). Though I admit I'll probably never look at Bernini's fountain in the Piazza Navona the same way again. Oh, and of course on the merchandising front apparently action figures weren't in the cards on this one, but inevitably the tour industry has hopped to, as it did with The Da Vinci Code, and tours have sprung up, starting with the "official" one ( but also a bunch of others (,,,,




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