Hotel Mocking Bird Hill's Blog (24)

Birding in Jamaica

Jamaica is a wonderful birding destination, 28 endemics, the highest number in the Caribbean, diverse landscapes and ecosystems, things for non-birders to do and our 'bird bush' is safe. At we can create a customized birding holiday for visitors based on their requirements. it…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on November 25, 2019 at 5:47pm — No Comments

Returning guests

It was lovely welcoming Paul and Emily Tai back again. We enjoyed their company and they were able to discover some of the experiences that they did not manage to do on their last trip. We especially appreciated the lovely games and learning tools they brought for the children of the Shebian School. They are big…

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on August 3, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Room Rates

Typically people will be prepared to spend more on organic foods, organic clothes, artisan foods, hand made craft work yet it would appear that this trend does not apply to environmentally friendly hotels and restaurants. We are finding that what a lot of people want is merely a cheap room, but one that has all the comforts and amenities of a more pricy room. Because we are partially solar powered it is expected that the room rate should be lower because our energy cost is reduced. But what… Continue

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on July 31, 2011 at 2:15pm — 2 Comments

Tours and Attractions from Hotel Mocking Bird Hill

Tours and Attractions from Hotel Mocing Bird Hill

Check out our tours. We've put the locations and distances on a map along with the prices to make it easy for everybody to know what's available.

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on July 20, 2011 at 10:13am — No Comments

a 2011 Fodor’s Choice property

Wow, the good news keep on coming :) "We have been named a 2011 Fodor’s Choice property by Fodor’s Travel, the leading provider of travel intelligence for American travelers for 75 years!  Each year their expert team of writers and editors designates an exclusive list of restaurants and hotels as the best of the best in the region.  Award winners are noted with the Fodor’s Choice distinction in their guidebooks and with special placement on, where more than 2 million unique users… Continue

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on July 19, 2011 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Great news! Jamaica is back, offering unforgettable birding adventures From March 31 until April 6 2012.

Here is what "Naturalist Journeys" says about Jamaica:

 " Jamaica.  Beautiful migrant warblers in fresh spring plumage hanging out in the Wild Orchid tree by the pool. Long white sand beaches, colorful characters, the vibrancy of life. (Narca's) pick for the cutest bird of the trip is the Jamaican Tody, which reminds her of the Tody Motmot she loves in Belize and Panama. The Tody family (Todidae) is one of two families unique to the Caribbean.…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on July 19, 2011 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Hotel Mocking Bird Hill - one of the World's top 10 Green Hotels

Amazing! According to "Four green steps - the world's largest green market place - opting for a greener future" we are amongst the World's top 10 Green Hotels.

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on July 19, 2011 at 12:29pm — No Comments

Natural Remedies to Heal Sunburns

We have found some more tips how to sooth your skin if you have got sunburned. Cooling the skin also works as a great pain reliever and helps you and your skin to relax


Take an oatmeal bath:

Add two cups of oatmeal to the bottom of a nylon sock. Tie up the sock, and let warm water pour over the pouch. Leave pouch in tub as you bathe.


Another Sunburn Healing Bath:

Fill a handkerchief tied with string or a muslin teabag…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on July 12, 2011 at 10:55am — No Comments

Jamaica Travel Tips, Part 4

Mobile Phone

Make sure you arrange for your phone to roam before you leave. While this service is very useful it is costly. You can purchase a phone in Jamaica for as little as US$ 30 with lots of free minutes on it to use while here and donate it to someone before you leave. You can also simply purchase a local SIM card for use while you are here.


Mosquitoes – How to Avoid Unwanted Friends

Beyond splatting these irksome unwanted new holiday…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on June 16, 2011 at 10:09am — No Comments

Jamaica Travel Tips, Part 3


We advise rather than picking out a few things in your wardrobe, to think outfits –beyond the beach there are plenty of occasions when you will need more than a swimsuit including dinner at Mille Fleurs. For a 2-week holiday think of those occasions and prepare 4 outfits around them. Try to choose cotton and linen where possible which are comfortable and quick drying and allow the skin to breathe, in humid conditions jeans do end up feeling like you are wearing a weight…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on June 14, 2011 at 5:15pm — No Comments

Summer Special at Hotel Mocking Bird Hill

Bookings of 2-4 nights Continental Breakfast and for bookings of 5 nights and more a complimentary 20 minute massage as well as a lesson with our Chef on how to make the wickedest Jerk Sauce are included. Offer valid until 19 December 2011. Hotel Mocking Bird Hill

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on June 10, 2011 at 1:27pm — No Comments

Maroon Convention

The Annual Maroon Convention will be held from 23 June (Quao Day) -25 June 2011 in Charles Town located in the foothills of Jamaica's Blue Mountains Here's some more information about the Maroons:

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on June 9, 2011 at 5:45pm — No Comments

More Jamaica Travel Tips

When coming to Jamaica don't forget:

Chargers, Batteries & Re-Chargers

Jamaica uses the same volt & plug system as the USA, 110v, so you will need to bring a US plug convertor if you are travelling from outside the USA for any electrical equipment such as phone chargers etc. We keep battery re-chargers in the office for guests to recharge their batteries, sadly you can’t take them back to your rooms with you as we had too many stolen. Just in case we get overrun…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on June 8, 2011 at 2:20pm — 2 Comments

Rainwater harvesting at

It has been pouring with rain- for days. Looking at the satellite imagery it looks like there isn't a ray of sunshine anywhere in the Caribbean. The good part is that we are harvesting lots and lots of rainwater and all our tanks are filling up which makes us feel really good. The water is treated with two filters and ultra violet light and the drinking water is treated further… Continue

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on June 7, 2011 at 11:15am — No Comments

Several Travel Tips for Jamaica

After Sun Gel

Don’t forget your ‘After Sun’! Aloe Vera Gel works well in the tropics, it is non greasy and won’t block your pores allowing you skin the chance to breathe and cool down after a day out in the sun. We don’t have fresh Aloe Vera growing so bringing a gel will make up for this and you will find it is normally cheaper at home that in Jamaica.


Baby Wipes

These are great as a quick freshen up when having a day out at the beach or hiking in…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on June 7, 2011 at 8:42am — No Comments

GAIA Consulting and Coaching


After years of operating one of the most environmentally friendly hotels in Jamaica we this year will be starting another project in the hope that we can reach out to as many small properties as possible and assist them in converting their operations. We feel that using our combined knowledge and expertise will be able to put other…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on May 29, 2011 at 11:42am — No Comments

Surfing in Jamaica at Boston Beach Near Port Antonio

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on May 28, 2011 at 4:01pm — No Comments

Blue Lagoon Jamaica

Environmentalists score measured success in their attempts to protect Jamaica's national treasure The Blue Lagoon

Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on May 27, 2011 at 3:48pm — No Comments

It's a Woman's World

The Portland segment will be filmed at featuring owners Barbara walker and Shireen Aga whose stellar leadership in environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism has won the hotel many awards including, last year at the World travel Market the Virgin…


Added by Hotel Mocking Bird Hill on May 25, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

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