TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator's Blog (32)

Viajar por Lima, la ciudad Colonial

En peru te ofrecemos las oprtunidad de  conocer la ciudad de Lima, una ciudad colonial con una belleza sin  igual, aqui se construjyeron los principales palacios y casa coloniales, que ahora en la actualidad tu puedes visitar junto a amigos y familiares.



Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on April 4, 2014 at 10:16am — No Comments


Al no poder absorber la indus­tria ni el comercio a tan gigan­tesca solicitud de nuevos puestos de trabajo, la gran mayoría de las familias de los habitantes en los tugurios, callejones, corralones y barriadas se han dedicado al comercio semi - ambulatorio de innumerables mercancías, desde comidas en los “restaurantes de los agachados” hasta radios y 

televisores, pasando por…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on March 25, 2014 at 12:21pm — No Comments

Machu Picchu considered among the world's best ruins

The British publication The Telegraph has created a list of the best ruins of the world, ie remains of cities or buildings that had prominence in the past. Machu Picchu is among them, and is the first in the list. The references to Machu Picchu is not clear that corresponds to the first position, but it is the first in the list, rather than Persepolis, Pompeii, Palmira, Angkor, Chichen Itza and Petra, among others. The Telegraph mentions in his description of Machu Picchu and other ruins in…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on March 17, 2014 at 12:34pm — No Comments

La verdad del Descubrimiento de Machu Picchu

Si deseas viajar a Machu Picchu, recomedamos conocer mas acerca de su historia y de como fue descubierto, aunque actualmente existen diversas hipotesis acerca del descubrimiento de Machu picchu, puedes aprender mas aqui



En 1911, el explorador Hiram Bingham EE.UU. vio Machu Picchu y regresó a la Universidad de Yale…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on March 7, 2014 at 12:07pm — No Comments

Esto debes conocer Acerca de Machu Picchu

si tienes planeado viajar a peru, te recomendamos leer estos consejos para tener una mejor experiencia de viaje, disfrita de conocer Machu Picchu, con TOURinPERU tu podras disfrutar de unas vacaciones inigualabes 

Machu Picchu se encuentra a 2.430 m sobre el nivel del mar, en medio de un bosque tropical de montañas, en un entorno con…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on March 7, 2014 at 11:59am — No Comments

Quechua, El Lenguaje de los Incas

El “Quechua” fue el idioma oficial del Imperio Inca. Hoy en día es hablado por cerca de 13 millones de personas en Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, el norte de Chile, Argentina y el sur de Colombia.

Existen diferentes dialectos del quechua, y el vocabulario y la…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on March 7, 2014 at 11:30am — No Comments

See the Palomino Islands on Lima's Coast

On the coast of Lima, there are several small islands. We offer 4 hour boat tours to these islands, allowing you to see the islands and the marine life that lives there. These tours begin and end in Callao (Lima’s port city). This tour can be combined with our other tours in Lima. See the full tour here.…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 16, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Tour of Lima See Colonial and Pre-Colonial Sites in Lima

If you want to see the city of Lima, this is great for you. 

Our half day tour of the city of Lima includes important attractions belonging to all 3 of its historical periods: pre-Hispanic, colonial and modern.  …


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 16, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

See the Colca Canyon, the deepest in the world.

The Colca Canyon has a depth of 4,160 meters (13,650 ft) making it about 2 times as deep as the Grand Canyon in the US. Parts of the Colca canyon are habitable, and there are pre-Columbian terraced fields still supporting agriculture and human life. This two day tour also includes a visit to a national park.  We offer daily Colca Canyon tours for singles and for groups. See the…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 16, 2013 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

See the Pre-Inca Pachacamac in Lima

The pre-Inca temple of Pachacamac is located in Lima. We offer guided tours to help you learn more about the culture of the people who lived here in pre-Inca times.

During the tour we will also visit Huaca…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 16, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

See the city of Arequipa

Arequipa is also known as the ”white city” because of the white buildings built from volcanic rock. It is located near the Misti Volcano, and the Colca Canyon.

Arequipa is the 2nd largest city in the country by population, after Lima. During this half day tour of Arequipa you will be able to see a number of sites in the city. …


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 16, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Cusco to Puno Tour by Bus

See both Cusco and Puno. We will travel by bus between the two cities, stopping to see several important sites located between them. Some of the places you will get to see along the way are the town of Andahuaylillas and its beautiful colonial church, the ruins of Raqchi, the museum of Pucara, as well as other important sites. This can be combined with other tours in Cuzco or Puno. See our…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 3:27pm — No Comments

Uros Island Tour Lake titicaca

During this 2 day tour you will be able to meet the local Uros people first hand, see sacred sites from pre-Inca times, and participate in local traditions. There are no hotels here, and you will be able to stay overnight with a local family and eat with them.  This way you can see and experience the local culture first hand. Although conditions have improved on the island, many residents still live as they did a long time ago, without modern conveniences such as running water or…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 3:24pm — No Comments

Tour of Lake Titicaca and its Islands

Lake Titicaca is between Peru and Bolivia. It is inhabited by the Uros people who live on man made islands made of reeds. Their houses are often made of the same type of reed. Our 1 day tour will allow you to see Lake Titicaca, and learn more about the traditions of the local people who live on islands on the lake. You will be able to visit Uros Island, which is a man made island, and Taquile Island, which is a natural island. Our Tour allows you to see Titicaca and these island. See…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Organize your own Vacation Tours of Machu Picchu !

At TOUR IN PERU EIRL we are proud to offer a great variety of tours all over the destinations of Peru. Let us design an itinerary just for you! Help us choose the right hotel for your stay and the best tours which might include the Citadel of MachuPicchu. Decide on the kind of holiday you would like to have, the…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 12:07pm — No Comments

Inca trail to Machu Picchu 4 Days and 3 nights - Book now!!!

Hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu in 4 Days

This amazing trek to Machu Picchu can be done in 4 days and 3 nights!

We are a local tour operator and our groups are designed to be comfortable and are sure you are gonna have the best Inca Trail experience! Our camping equipment, efficient chefs, amazing food and professional bilingual guides will make this Inca…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Read or watch videos of Travelers to Machu Picchu!

Read or watch videos, travelers, Machu Picchu!

These are some of the testimonies of visitors like you who decided to visit our cultural diversity. Be one of them and take part of our large network of travelers coming from around the world!



Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 11:41am — No Comments

Short Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 2 Days and 1 Night

Inca trail to Machu Picchu in 2 Days and 1 Night

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 2 days and 1 night - An easy but amazing trek!

If you are short on time or energy you can still enjoy part of the Inca Trail , visit  the most beautiful Inca site of the…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 11:39am — No Comments

Want to hike the Inka Trail to Machu Picchu?

A Morning Breakdown at Campsite along the Inca Trail !

The Inca Trail winds across the Andes to Machu Picchu. The Inca Trail between…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 11:31am — No Comments

Inti Raymi 2014 - 1-Day Celebration of the Sun

The Sun, which was considered the most important deity in the whole Inca empire, was worshiped in the Inca culture and one of the most important celebrations then was that of "Inti Raymi," the celebration to honor the god Inti (the Sun). This religious Inca ceremony is unique and the representation takes place every…


Added by TOUR in PERU - Tour Operator on December 10, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

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