Recently, Vietnam motorcycle tours or in other word to travel across country by motorbike, has emerged as a movement to assert the young ego. Just imagine the youthful years will pass quickly in a shame without trips to the new land, for the local tribe, landscape and custom exploration. So set off because travel broadens the mind, and as we understand the life more, we’re likely to love our country more and probably find a true purpose in life. Similarly, enduro ride does not only mean a temporary escape from daily monotonous routine, but also a journey to realize potentials as well as inspirations that normally are hiden behind the hustle, competitive, ferocious city life.

However, motorcycle tours in Vietnam is full of experience and depends much on weather conditions. It would be a disappointment to arrive in Highland at the rainy period, or come to coastal region in the storm season, etc. So, we should choose the most beautiful time in each place forefirst. Hanoi Motorcycle Tours, being a prestigious address suggests its travellers to depart for northwest region during October to February, passer-by freely admire the golden glow color of a ripen “sea” those terraced fields. Or turn stone in front of ecstatic flowery bed “Tam Giac Mach”, a charming but resilient symbol for this high mountain.


Back to north central provinces from March to August, you’ll realize cultural and historical values rooted in these places for generations. Series well-known spots as Trang An, Tam Coc, Citadel of Hồ Dynasty, Uncle Ho’s cottages in his hometown, Hue capital Vinh Moc tunnel complex, Quang Tri memorial landmark, Con Tien bases, and the magnificient cave system Son Doong located inside Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park that is still under continual discovery and considered to be the largest cave system in the world. And the frequent distribution of relics enables your explicit undertanding upon incidents of Vietnam in the history of establishing the country and defending its independence, alongside culture of 25 different ethnic groups with a rich and diverse folklore heritage, including the notable chants on river as: chant on Ma river (Thanh Hoa), folk songs (Nghe Tinh), heave ho (Quang Binh), etc.


Moving on to South Central, the most beautiful comb-shape coastal line in Vietnam. there flickers clean blue sea, parrallel the jagged cliffs out of Annamite Range (Truong Son mountain range), visitors cannot resist the gaze at this scenic wonder. The famous landmarks such as Cam Ranh Bay, Van Phong bay and Vung Ro will exult your aesthetic eyes. Here, you can explore, experience the life of the fishermen, how they survive through generations and such knowledge will be very useful for your future life. The best time is in months February and May.


Along the country, there have been bunches of captivations, begin your Motorcycle Tours Vietnam to recognize how furtile and wonderful our land is. The landscape, mountain, river, stream, rice fields even people will be very different when we contact in peson or see with our own eyes. Just travel and feel, you’ll realize this life itself is beautiful.

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