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Caribbean and Central America PR pros - For a January travel feature, interested in winter getaway bargains and packages in these two regions. Pls. contact
A group of teachers through the volunteer nonprofit organization Wrestling the World are doing some wonderful things in Kenya with a new International Villages concept.

In Kenya, community-owned and operated eco-lodges are prevalent. While they support local livelihoods and economies, they do not always encourage interaction between guests and the local people. The vision for the WTW International Village Kenya changes that by blurring the line between resident and tourist. This is a locally operated facility that offers casual, meaningful exchange between travelers and residents, and access to an extensive menu of volunteer projects.

The first cottages at the International Village will be built in December with the entire facility completed in June 2010. This is a not-for-profit enterprise that will have a permanent and significant presence in the community by offering a source of job and vocational training to help Barut residents improve their life situations, as well as making an important contribution to Kenyan tourism.

WTW is currently booking trips for summer 2010. WTW's model is for this to be a debt-free initiative. Hence, 100% of the proceeds from trip bookings will go back into the community. This is an example of how volunteers can work together to change the world. For more info and to view marketing brochure for trip details and pricing visit
Hello all,
I will be traveling through Kenya on assignment from late March to mid-May of this year. I will once again chronicle the events surrounding a group of eye-specialists as they conduct their clinics in the drought-afflicted lands of the Ukambani region.However, I still have some spare time on my hands to fill with other assignments. My previous work from Kenya has won several awards and gained high praise from my peers. Safari destinations, city guides to music and art, culture or literature, I can try the lot - and have done many times in the past.

Feel free to contact me with any ideas you may have.
Many thanks
I just had a look at the site and was really impressed by the work being done in Kenya. I particularly like the idea of bringing kids to see the parks. As was pointed out on the site most Kenyan childrend never get to see their own parks and their own wildlife. Being from Ireland I can ony compare it to Irish childrend never getting to hear their own language, music or literarture; it being reserved solely for the enjoyment of tourists.

I do some work in a small village in the Ukambani region and have been trying to get tourists to come and view the amazing birdlife of the area. It would provide much needed sources of income for the locals and help the community as a whole to invest in the infrastructure.

Good work!
Brendan Harding

Paige Stringer said:
A group of teachers through the volunteer nonprofit organization Wrestling the World are doing some wonderful things in Kenya with a new International Villages concept.

In Kenya, community-owned and operated eco-lodges are prevalent. While they support local livelihoods and economies, they do not always encourage interaction between guests and the local people. The vision for the WTW International Village Kenya changes that by blurring the line between resident and tourist. This is a locally operated facility that offers casual, meaningful exchange between travelers and residents, and access to an extensive menu of volunteer projects.

The first cottages at the International Village will be built in December with the entire facility completed in June 2010. This is a not-for-profit enterprise that will have a permanent and significant presence in the community by offering a source of job and vocational training to help Barut residents improve their life situations, as well as making an important contribution to Kenyan tourism.

WTW is currently booking trips for summer 2010. WTW's model is for this to be a debt-free initiative. Hence, 100% of the proceeds from trip bookings will go back into the community. This is an example of how volunteers can work together to change the world. For more info and to view marketing brochure for trip details and pricing visit
Just received a letter of assignment for my trip to Kenya later this year. Looking for additional assignments or possible interest.
I am a writer/photographer and I am now in the UAE. This of course includes marvelous Dubai. However, there is a lot more here to experience. Camel racing, Falconing and more.
Anyone interested in giving me an assignment, I work cheap! Actually I love to explore and write.
Hello all.

I have a personal, narrative travel blog,, currently averaging over 3000 views per month after three months, without much active promotion or SEO to date, describing the longterm, round the world journey i am taking with my nine year old son.

We have really been grappling with backpacks! We're both on our second, and looking for our third. Mine has had a strap go. And we simply haven't been able to find one that suits his needs.

I am desperately seeking a kid's backpack with the functionality of an adult's -- waist and chest straps, webbing on the back, ideally top-loading -- and a capacity of 25-30l to suit a skinny but strong nine-year-old boy. The Deuter Fox 30 seemed like a good option, but we were unable to find one either in the UK or Asia, where we are currently.

I'm looking for something really hard-wearing (sturdy zips and snappers are key), 70 + 30 ideally, or 80 + 20, 75 + 25 - or something in that region. Top-loading. Optimally with webbed carrying pockets on the daypack for trekking with ample quantities of water...

If anyone has recommendations -- or if there's a publicist who works with a likely candidate -- I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at theodorasutcliffe AT gmail DOT com.

Thanks all!
Hi Jeannie,

I've been working in Kenya and in Uganda (Bwindi Impenetrable) at the border with Rwanda.

Reg. Kenya, contact (ask for Thomas Lund Sorenson).
Reg. Uganda and/or Rwanda, find Volcanoes Safaris, ask for guide and driver Gad Tumuhereze.

Good luck and enjoy. Scandinavian travel journalist and photographer

Jeannie Ralston said:
Hi: I'm a writer and will be traveling to Africa in March with my sons and my photojournalist husband. We want to do a great photo safari in Kenya and see the gorillas in Rwanda. I am looking for leads on good tour companies in each of these places and since we're a writer and photographer team, we're hoping to publish some stories about our experiences.

Any suggestions for a safari in Kenya or a trip to the gorillas in Rwanda?

Many thanks--Jeannie

Today we have launched a unique iPhone application for city travelers in Europe. Each of the 33 iPhone apps we have launched are regularly updated with new up-to-season tips, and works (as one of the first travel apps on the market) 100% offline - maps as well as tips.

A press release, video demo and other material can be found here:

Should you be interested in a free app, please let me know!

Best regards,

Bart van Poll -

I'm working on an article for US based travel agents on Voluntourism outside of Africa. Do you have the names of any tour operators or others offering voluntourism vacations.

Yes I do...Operation Safe Drinking Water. Itis based in Bocas Del Toro Panama and has already installed 70 safe water systems in remote schools. I could tell you much more, including how he works with Voluntourism groups, instead I will refer you to his FB page, and his website is

I have known and worked with this organization since it started.

Bocas is a beautiful place to visit. Joe takes care of his volunteers. AND the work is immeasurably heart warming.


Hi Forrest. This looks interesting and I'll check out the links. Thank you!


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