Yea, right (pun intended).
That novel spin on the responsibilities of the free press even got the attention of the conservative
National Review, which posted her comments from a
Fox News interview on its website. The headline: "Did She Just Say That Out Loud?"" vspace="4" border="1"/>
"We needed the press to be our friend," Angle tells Fox's Carl Cameron. "Hold on a second, to be your friend?" a surprised Cameron asks. Angle says, "Well truly." Cameron: "That sounds naive."
Angle goes on: "Well, no. We want them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported." She adds that she wants to mention her website,, in such situations so potential supporters can contribute to her cause.
Cameron, the bemused interviewer, can only smile. Professional journalists can only shake their heads. But, hey, we're reporting it, and that gives her publicity, and that means people -- the ones the TV station where I used ot be a reporter called "the great unwashed" are checking out her website and maybe even agreeing with her enough to contribute to her campaign and/or vote for her.
Outrageous, attractive and dumb works for Sarah Palin, maybe it will work for Sharron Angle.