Jim DeLillo
  • Male
  • Oakland, NJ
  • United States
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  • Mary Amaranta Mundy
  • Catalunya Experience
  • milcah kipruto
  • Globe Hunters
  • Africa Calling Safaris
  • Jacav Watson
  • Roko Karan
  • Victor Tribunsky
  • cyrusholida
  • Steven Jones
  • Iberia Airlines
  • SinghRajput
  • Shameera Gunasekara
  • Heather Cowper
  • Deanna Majchrzak

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Profile Information

Are you connected to the tourism/travel/hospitality industries or travel media in any way? If so, please specify how (kindly include any relevant company names/Web sites!).
Travel Photojounalist via published work in print and online. Stock photography.
On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?
What destinations are you most interested in learning about?
Adventure, wilderness, treks

Pretty scenics aside, travel photojournalism is about  immersing oneself in the sights, sounds, and culture of the locale.

Here, Jim DeLillo presents a sampling of his travels from close-at-home, to exotic faraway locales.

Take a moment to tour the places he’s been and imagine yourself walking the same streets, peeking through the same lens, and capturing a moment in time.


Jim DeLillo is an Internationally published photographer since 1972.
Specializing in travel, local color and editorial.


Contributed by Jim DeLillo:

http://jimdelillo.viewbook.com (portfolio)

http://jim-delillo.artistwebsites.com/ (Buy my prints)

http://istockphoto.com/jimd_stock (Download your favorite photo...use anywhere Royalty Free)

http://travelphotojournalist.blogspot.com/ (My personal travel blog)

http://www.demotix.com/users/jimdeli/profile?_fb_js_fbu=611244113 (International NEwswire - Citizen Journalism)



Tweet me on Twitter @jimdeli


Available for assignment



Jim DeLillo's Pix


Jim DeLillo's Blog

Monsters at California's Borrego Springs

Monsters at Borrego Springs

By Jim DeLillo

The Serpent crosses the road using the Milky Way as a beacon on its attack of Borrego Springs, shining in the distance.

A journey to this fabulous location, the artist’s background, and how I crafted these wonderful images of the Milky…


Posted on January 18, 2016 at 12:53pm

Spirits of St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine is a very old city - so old, in fact that it is celebrating its 450th year in existence.  Because of its age and rich history, people often come here looking for spirits, like the one at The St. Francis Inn, the oldest continuously operating inn in North America.…


Posted on October 7, 2015 at 7:09am

Would you stay at a B&B with dirt floors?

Would you stay at a B&B with dirt floors, cots for beds, and a wood-burning stove to keep warm?

Paul and Baya (a Navajo native) Meehan are betting that you will.

Owners of Shash Dine' Eco Retreat, they have created a place where you trade…


Posted on July 24, 2015 at 5:09pm

Spend a Day in St. Augustine

Arrival at The St. Francis Inn

Arriving the night before, I choose to stay at The St. Francis Inn, a rustic and historical Inn dating back to 1791.  The owners, Joe and Margaret Finnegan, are celebrating…


Posted on July 22, 2015 at 2:10pm

Jim DeLillo's Videos


Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 10:56pm on February 1, 2013, SinghRajput said…

Nice photography...

At 1:26am on December 22, 2011, Steven Jones said…

Compare flight rates at  http://www.flightandroom.com/  and get the cheapest deals on Christmas and New Year..

At 1:39am on December 12, 2011, Martin said…

Hi Jim it's been quite some time since your request. Sorry it took me so long to get back and thanks for the invite. Had a look at some of your photography....beautiful work!

Regards Martin

At 12:19pm on September 18, 2011, Joe Rosen said…

Hi Jim thanks for connecting.


At 4:09pm on September 3, 2011, Marian Goldberg said…
Hi Jim!  You "friended" me. Happy to make your aquaintance.  -- Marian
At 3:01pm on July 24, 2011, David Paul Appell said…

Aftrenoon, Jim, I'd like to add my own personal welcome!  And I hope we'll see you this coming Thursday at our NYC media event (invite below) - please let me know!





At 2:23pm on July 24, 2011, EnLinea Media said…
Jim, welcome to Tripatini, the worldwide travel community the New York Post dubbed “Facebook for travelers.” On Tripatini, you can mingle with travelers and top travel experts alike, so everybody learns how to travel better and smarter. A few tips to get you rolling:

• JOIN one or more of our 450+ discussion groups, covering most destinations, travel topics, and travel-related professions such as media, publicists, agents, and tour operators. What are you into? Chances are we cover it. If we don’t, create your own group!

• INTRODUCE YOURSELF by sharing your story, links, photos, videos, anything at all on the Text Box on your profile.

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• Please FOLLOW TRIPATINI ON TWITTER, "LIKE" US ON FACEBOOK, and post/tweet about us when you can; we’ll be more than happy to reciprocate.

Thanks again for joining us – and C.U. online!


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