I'm shocked at how shocked, astonished even, the room service guy was this morning when he saw my socks and underwear hanging in my room this morning. This, in a hotel whose fourth floor is full of travel writers (I'm at an SATW event). Don't all travel writers pack poly garments and wash them in the sink? 

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When this appeared in my inbox, I only got part of the headline: 'Well Hung'

I thought you were going for a different market...

Nope. I've only done laundry once on the road. I had an apartment in London and used the building's laundry facilities. With soap, dryer as well as washing machine, I figure it cost me $15 for the load. Now, for long trips, I just take old clothes or pieces I don't like and ditch them along the way.

Smiling...thinking about all the stuff maids must have chuckled at in my years traveling with kids. Moms will do whatever it takes to adjust/modify/improvise.

My question is: how did the room service guy see your garments? I would opt to hang them to dry in the bathroom. Raises some personal questions...;-)

Hey, are you attending MATPRA? I'll be there with bells on. Need a break from all this writing/publishing. Working on fourth new edition book in six months!

We do in room laundry all the time. I've stated from time to time that the best perk you can find in a hotel is not a good pool, bar, restaurant, spa, or business center...it's having an in-room washer and dryer!

Your headline got my attention! Well done, well hung!

The traveler's guide to hotel-room laundering: Unlike Allan, I'm too much the hoarder to throw away anything, and unlike Darryl, I have a knack for staying in hotels that don't have washer-dryers. I travel with plastic clothes hangers that have hooks, plus 10 feet or so of strong twine. after washing things I hang them in the bathroom, as Michelle (Kids Love Travel) suggests, but once they've stopped dripping, I rehang them in the living quarters, because the air is drier there. 

Michelle, congratulations on the fourth edition! I've seen the earlier editions, and they're terrific guides. Stacey, thank you for your comment; nothing an editor likes better than hearing that his headlines get noticed. 

P.S. The socks are almost dry.

One other trick when you're packing again and the clothes aren't quite dry: the hairblower. 


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