shashi lagwal
  • 48, Female
  • Delhi
  • India
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  • Mausom Talukdar
  • Shameera Gunasekara
  • Heather Cowper
  • Iberostar Hotels & Resorts
  • Anne Martin
  • Jude Anton
  • Fadi Hamadneh
  • Searching for Sincerity
  • Travel with Pen and Palate
  • George Habib
  • Susan Decoteau-Ferrier
  • Travel Rob
  • Margaret Andrzejewska-Bancewicz
  • Stefanie Payne
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Profile Information

Are you connected to the tourism/travel/hospitality industries or travel media in any way? If so, please specify how (kindly include any relevant company names/Web sites!).
Yes! I am into adventures sports since 1995 and working with Travel/Leisure company Ascent Descent Adventures as a mountain guide/instructor.
Ascent Descent Adventures offers Travel/Leisure trip on different regions of Indian Himalayas i.e Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh and Uttarakhand. Team is consist of bunch of best mountaineers and guides.
On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?
Himalayas, India, trekking, hiking, mountaineering, camping, rafting and other adventure activities.
What destinations are you most interested in learning about?
Other travel / language expertise?
English, Hindi

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Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 11:28pm on December 26, 2011, Steven Jones said…

Collate flight prices with and avail discounted deals on this New Year vacations..

At 11:23am on November 17, 2011, Kaleel Sakakeeny said…

Thanks, Shashi. If you get a chance look at our YouTube channel. Our 1-minute Travel Video PostCards are embedded on 1.6 million web pages/sites and carried by high value travel sites like Travel Weekly and Technorati Travel. Plus syndication. We worked briefly with an India-based travel company. Also Podcasts. Anyway:


At 9:47am on November 17, 2011, Travel with Pen and Palate said…

Thank you for connecting. Unfortunately I do not post regularly on Tripatini since I am a full time freelance writer who earns a living and even as good as Tripatini is, it's work for free. Many of my articles are at and Smiles of Zimbabwe is the first in a series.

At 9:42am on November 17, 2011, Sandra & John Scott said…

Hi, we had a great 5 weeks in India a few years ago.. You can follow me on we write about destination, Central New York places, and culinary stuff.


At 9:29am on November 17, 2011, Kaleel Sakakeeny said…

Good to know yu and thanks for "friending" me Where are you from...and keep in tuch!


At 7:27am on October 21, 2011, EnLinea Media said…
Shashi, welcome to Tripatini, the worldwide travel community the New York Post dubbed “Facebook for travelers.” On Tripatini, you can mingle with travelers and top travel experts alike, so everybody learns how to travel better and smarter. A few tips to get you rolling:

• JOIN one or more of our 450+ discussion groups, covering most destinations, travel topics, and travel-related professions such as media, publicists, agents, and tour operators. What are you into? Chances are we cover it. If we don’t, create your own group! 

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