January 2014 Blog Posts (134)

Yoga retreats fill Costa Rica summer 2014 at Santa Teresa Beach

Costa Rica summer is yoga season at Pranamar Oceanfront Villas & Yoga Retreat on Santa Teresa Beach. Pranamar is offering 14 exceptional yoga retreats between February and June…


Added by Shannon Farley on January 21, 2014 at 7:15pm — No Comments

La Piedra de la Guerra, en la gran plaza

Son muchas las maravillas e historias que se guardan en la ciudad de Cusco, tus amigos del Hostal Qorichaska te invitan a conocer personalmente esta ciudad y vivir las experiencias históricas que sucedieron aquí, en nuestro hostal tu puedes disfrutar de  la gran historia del Imperio Inca, y por supuesto el mejor lugar para quedarse en el Cusco es el hostal Qorichaska que te invita a pasar agradables momentos y viajar a estar maravillosa…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 21, 2014 at 3:47pm — No Comments

Costa Rica Named Top Retirement Destination 2014

One of the biggest retirement dreams is moving to a sunny, warm place where you can relax, pursue hobbies and enjoy the “golden years” of life with no stress. Moving to a lower cost location, of course, helps stretch your savings. Having good quality health care available is also a top consideration.

In the Americas, Costa Rica continues…


Added by Shannon Farley on January 21, 2014 at 2:39pm — No Comments

5 Vacation Spots to Consider This Spring

By Susan Bodack

It's easy to go a bit stir-crazy after being cooped up inside due to freezing cold temperatures and nasty winter weather. After a long bleak winter of gloomy weather and bundling up, the promise of sunnier spring days can seem like a salvation. Planning that spring getaway definitely gives you something to look forward to whether you're looking to stay…


Added by Girls That Roam on January 21, 2014 at 8:25am — No Comments

Book cheap Orlando Flights with Globehunters

Orlando wardle Orlando is the best family destination in the world. The city is home to some of the best theme parks in the world.If you want to experience the best time with your kids, book Orlando flights and visit popular theme parks: Walt Disney Resort and Universal Studios. Looking for Orlando flights? Visit http://www.globehunters.com/ to find the cheapest…


Added by Globe Hunters on January 21, 2014 at 7:02am — No Comments

Mama Anawarqhe Mountain in Cusco Peru

Mama Anawarqhe is a mountain located at the south area of Cusco city, something more than a league away from Cusco City and at west of Wanakauri mountain.

Is easy to arrive there through Winpillay area also through Choqo and Oqopata , in the top area you can see rests of buildings, this place takes its name from Pachakutej´s wife, the Inca queen that came from this sector of the city, from Choqo…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 20, 2014 at 5:00pm — No Comments

La Montaña Mama Anawarqhe en Cusco Peru

Mama Anawarqhe. Su forma castellanizada será Mamá Ana-huarque. Es un cerro ubicado al Sur de la ciudad del Cusco, a algo más de una legua de distancia y al occidente del Wanakauri.

Se puede llegar fácilmente por el sector de Winpillay, por Choqo y también por Oqopata. En sus porciones cimeras existen vestigios de construcciones. Lleva el nombre de la esposa de Pachakútej, reyna…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 20, 2014 at 4:17pm — No Comments

Nosara, Costa Rica is a world’s best travel destination 2014

Costa Rica - Nosara The pristine beaches of Nosara, Costa Rica have caught people’s attention a lot lately.

In December,…


Added by Danny Solano Alvarez on January 20, 2014 at 2:17pm — No Comments

Booking.Com’s Fun ‘Booking Epic’ Campaign and Video Raise the Bar for Travelers

Turning the mundane,  frustrating  experience of booking a hotel online into a fun moment, is an act of legerdemain that only Booking.com is probably able to pull off.

Take a look at their YouTube commercial to see what I mean. It’s…


Added by Kaleel Sakakeeny on January 20, 2014 at 9:39am — No Comments

The Magnificent Historic Quarter of Salvador, Brazil

The Brazilian city of Salvador da Bahia reflects the essence of this country’s rich history and culture. There’s much more to this city than tropical beaches: Salvador da Bahia has managed to conserve a unique cultural and architectural legacy, centred in the area known as Pelourinho, the…


Added by Iberostar Hotels & Resorts on January 19, 2014 at 11:33am — No Comments

¿Cuzco o Cusco?

En cuanto a la forma correcta de escribir hoy, el nombre de la capital incaica, existen dos corrientes: Unos dicen que debe escribirse CUZCO, sencillamente porque el Acta de la Fundación Española de la ciudad (23 de marzo de \534) consigna esa forma, y que tal documento es algo así como la Partida de Nacimiento de una persona, cuyo contenido es váli­do e inalterable, producto de la opinión autorizada de los pa­dres; y en el caso de la fundación, opinión definitiva del o de los…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 18, 2014 at 10:45am — No Comments

Scarlet Macaws Still Fly Free in Costa Rica

A flash of brilliant red, blue and yellow, and a loud raucous squawk, and you know you are in the jungle. There is nothing quite like the sight of wild Scarlet Macaws flying overhead or contentedly gathered in bunches in a treetop to give you the full feeling of being in the tropics.…


Added by Danny Solano Alvarez on January 17, 2014 at 5:16pm — No Comments

A Taste of St. Augustine, Florida

Why is it that small towns seem to possess a sense of place and taste all their own that a big city just can’t compete with?  Don’t you love it when you stroll a city’s downtown area poking your head into one place, sampling cuisine from another place …and you immediately get the feeling that you’ve arrived at a very special destination? And don’t you get a big kick out of the…


Added by Linda Kissam on January 17, 2014 at 7:54am — No Comments

Tips for Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

Known as the "Eastern Moscow", northeast China's Harbin has always been regarded as a unique and exotic city.


Central Street in downtown Harbin is the ultimate symbol of the city. Harbin Sun Island Scenic Area is the perfect place to free from hot sun in summer. Here, you can embrace the white sand, blue water, green…


Added by Luffy Lu on January 17, 2014 at 4:57am — No Comments

Peru's White City: A Weekend in Arequipa

A short while ago, I had the pleasure of visiting Peru's "Ciudad Blanca!" My weekend in Arequipa was just lovely, and so I'd like to share my experience with you in the hope that you'll be able to visit vicariously now and in reality soon!

The second largest city in Peru, Arequipa feels peaceful and genteel. The…


Added by Kuoda Travel on January 16, 2014 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Informacion acerca de Saqsaywaman

Saqsaywaman. Es el más cercano a la plaza principal de la ciudad. La cumbre alcanza 3,650 m.s.n.m., se sitúa al norte de la. ciudad. Da asiento al monumento prehispánico del mismo nom­bre. Si Cusco al ser fundado por Manko Qhápaq tuvo la forma de un puma, la cabeza fue Saqsaywaman, los bastiones de la lla­mada "fortaleza" pudieron representar a nuestro entender, la hi­lera de dientes de la mandíbula inferior, en la abierta boca del felino; las paredes con disposición de bastiones del lado…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 16, 2014 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Conoce algo mas acerca del Rio Vilcanota en Peru

En el valle del Vilcanota o Ürubamba, los monumentos ar­quitectónicos prehispánicos más importantes en orden descen­dente en cuanto a altitud, son: el TEMPLO DE HUIRACOCHA, en el distrito de San Pedro de Cacha, provincia de Canchis; el PARQUE DE PIKI LLAKTA, en los distritos de Oropesa y Lu­cre, provincia de Quispicahchis; P'ISAK o Písac, K'AJYA QHAWANA o Cacyacahuana, llamado también HUCH'UY QOSQO; y URCO, en la provincia de Calca; YUCAY, OLLANTAYTAMBO, el COMPLEJO DE TORONTOY, el COMPLEJO…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 16, 2014 at 3:51pm — No Comments

Quieres saber mas acerca del Rio Vilcanota en Cusco?

El río Vilcanota discurre por el centro del departamento del Cusco; se origina en las estribaciones septentrionales del Nudo de Vilcanota. Su nombre procede de las voces aymarás willka y ñuta que significan Casa del Sol. Los campesinos de las provin­cias de Calca y Urubamba, le llaman en lengua quechua, willka mayu o Río Sagrado. Al ingresar en la provincia de Urubamba, el río toma el nombre de la provincia, para las gentes de habla…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 16, 2014 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Donde nace el rio Paucartambo?

El río Paucartambo nace en los deshielos septentrionales del Nevado Ausangati, en la provincia de Quispicanchis; en sus na-- clentes se llama Ocongate, por su proximidad a la población del mismo nombre; luego se denomina Paucartambo, al pasar por la población de ese nombre; cuando llega a la zona de Laqo, en la provincia de Calca, el río toma el nombre de Laqo; finalmente multa ser el Yavero en su curso inferior, hasta unirse con el Urubamba, en el interior de la provincia de La Convención.…


Added by Qorichaska Hostel Peru on January 16, 2014 at 3:43pm — No Comments

Dive into Fun in Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula

If you are looking for an unforgettable memory that this rich country has to offer, you’ll want to consider going on an adventure tour in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula! Whether you want to go diving in one of the most pristine, beautiful areas in the world or explore the breathtaking Corcovado National Park, there is something in the pure Osa Peninsula for all aspiring adventurers. 


Go on a scuba diving expedition with an experienced guide who knows…


Added by Maria Uriarte on January 16, 2014 at 3:14pm — No Comments

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